65.) Escaping out of the Harem

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They are similiar was my immediate thought, brothers who are similiar but at the same time not. I noticed his eyes were unfocused Cerastes said he kept odd hours and is easily distracted. Maybe I can use his drowsiness to my advantage. I feel bad breaking out my special skill when I hadnt even used it on my husband yet but desperate times call for desperate matters.

"Of course I'll take my clothes off but first how bout I help you relax!" I said smiling a bit to widely. As long as I dont say no, diverting him should be fine, right?  "If you could be so kind to lay on your stomach again, I can start right away." I nodded.

He blinked very slowly. Painfully slowly.

Turn over. Turn over. Turn over! The thought repeated in my head. My smile stayed plastered on my face but inside I was screaming.

Talon layed back on his stomach. His hair spilled around him in long strands.
"Your not wasting my time with are you?" He slurred.

"No of course not! I just wanted to show off my talent." I said sitting on the bed. My siblings always said my back massaging technique put them to sleep. Let's hope it works on humans and dragons!

But it was easier said than done. My siblings didnt have wings. How do I even work around them.
"I'm going to touch you now is that ok?"

"Mhm" he rumbled. I took it as a grumble of confirmation. I started between the wing blades and went up to the shoulders and then down to his brown waist then back up.
Then i moved on to his head. Moving my fingers in small circles then gradually moving to big circles.

Go to sleep, go to sleep, sleeeeeep, I thought. My poor fingers.

The skin on his back was tough and cold like Cerastes's. Scaled in places, I stayed as far away from his tail as humanly possible.

It felt like a long time had passed when I heard a light snore. My wrist ached and my thumbs had already lost their sensation awhile ago. I delicately took my hands back and tucked them under my armpits. Standing to my full height, I felt a soreness in my lower back from being in a bent position.

Quietly I crept away only looking back when I reached the open archway.

Still asleep.

All the lights were still brightly illuminating the hall but not a soul was out. Where had the women gone, I wondered briefly. Theres no time i need to get out of this place as quickly as possible.

I walked with speed and determination. If anyone asks why I'm running in the house I'll just say I'm going to relieve myself. But no one did. Finding the painting was almost to easy. My heart beat with anxiety as I climbed into the empty space behind the painting and closed the door tightly behind me.

I must get back before Cerastes but this time I didnt have a light to guide my path.
The candle had been lost somewhere after my fall into the harem. As long as I moved forward and stayed to the right I should be able to return back home, I reasoned. Hopefully before Cerastes returns.

I stumbled in the dark. My mind made up imaginary monsters in the dark. Was the monster breathing down my neck or waiting for me a few steps ahead? I shuffled faster and faster trying to leave the thoughts behind before I spilled into the kitchen.

The relief i felt was tangible.
I had walked into the bears den and returned unscathed.
Well mostly unscathed.
I hugged my wrist against my chest and felt the bruises forming on my legs. How am I going to explain those?

I shakely got to my feet. Adrenaline had left my body, causing my legs and arms to feel hollow and jittery in its absence. A meal had been left on the table but there was no desire to eat. I walked back to our room to climb under the covers.

Opening the door, the hair on my arms raised and I felt as if I had been drenched in ice water.
Cerastes sat at the sitting area by the fireplace, unmoving. He didn't look up to acknowledge my presence.
He did not speak.
He was a predator lying in wait. The unsettling aura he put off filled up all the empty space in the room.

I swallowed. Have I always swallow this loud?

I blinked and he was infront of me. A small breeze brushed past my face.
The seat he had occupied only a second ago echoed loudly when it toppled to the ground.

I didnt look up or more likely I couldnt look up. The invisible weight that was Cerastes gaze bore down on me. If I looked up it would surely pierce through my body.

He bent down and inhaled.

He raised me up by my arms and smelled me again. My whole body stiffened like a log.

My hair, my legs, my chest, and finally my hands were all inspected by scent.He nearly crushed me to his chest when he had finished.
I tapped his arm several times In a please for him to loosen his grip.

"Its to tight." I gasped. Cerastes took a few steps and dropped me onto the bed.

"You smell like him." He replied.

"Nothing happ.."

"YOU ENTERED ANOTHER MALES TERRITORY!" He bellowed. His white hair was unkempt and his tail snapped angrily behind him.

I shrank under the pressure of his voice. "I didnt know where I was! I explained.

"I KNOW WHERE YOU WEREN'T!" He shouted angrily pointing a finger to the floor. "I come back to find you are missing, your scent leading to a place I could not reach. The anxiety you felt coursing through my own veins!" He ranted his teeth grinding in anger.

A lump formed in the back of my throat and my eyes watered.
" I didnt.. mee..meean to." I whimpered. I wiped at my face. I hadnt realized how upset I was and the gravity of what could have happened weighed on me.

"That's enough of that." He said with a sigh.
"stop leaking." His tone rough but quieter. He paced by the bed before stopping.

"Give me your report of the incident." He said placing both hands on his sides.

"I um. I went for a walk to explore. And um I fell out of the tunnel and met him by accident." I explained breathing unevenly. I combed my long brown hair with my fingers.

"I know I can smell him on you." He growled, "what els! how did you get out?"

"I rubbed his back untill he fell asleep and then walked out but nothing els happened I swear." I shook my head aggressively. "He confused me for another woman!."

"There hasnt been anyone who he could have mistook you for in decades."

"It was someone named Enyeem." I remembered offering the name.

He visibly stiffened.

"Thats not a person's name. It's a term of endearment!" His tone became icy. "Enyeem means 'mine', he wasnt mistaking you for someone els he was saying you belonged to him."

"Oh." I mumbled.

Cerastes grabbed my leg with force.
"But you dont belong to him, you belong to me!" He said with fierceness. Red slitted eyes stared into mine. "It seems you need to be reminded of that fact." He said flipping me onto my stomach by my leg.

The sound of cloth ripping and the tension from my pants disappearing was the only warning I had before i felt Cerastes drive into me.

I cried out in suprize and then pain when I felt his teeth on my shoulder.

"Its to fast!"

"Dont bite!"

I protested. Sharp clawes that he had always been careful with now dug into my arm and hip. It was difficult to breath when he slammed into me. I felt myself getting slicker as he pressed on. His low growl designated in my ear and down to my bones.

I braced my arms against the bed to prevent being swallowed into into the covers.
I'm going to have more bruises, i thought.

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