49.) Home at Last

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The door closed with the muffled thunk of wood against stone

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The door closed with the muffled thunk of wood against stone. I looked around alert, where was the next place to hide, the next corridor to run down. My eyes flicked around. In the low light.

"Calm your nerves, this is it." Marrow said slicking back the blond hair out of his face. He leaned on the door for support.

My shoulders relaxed, and I pulled off my mask. The top of my heels hurt from where the boots rubbed them wrong. I sat on the worn brown rug, aware of the harsh stone floor beneath it. It was nothing like the soft floor coverings from the last room in town. 

This is Cerastes home.
And now its mine to.
Were going to build a life here.

Oh Cerastes's face! Is he soaking it properly? He didnt act like it bothered him but it must hurt.

I sighed rubbing my blistered ankles. I dont know if this will be a good or a bad place but I'll trust my husbands decision.

Marrow walked past me and crossed the room to the far right wall.

As I rested I looked at the new place more carefully. A dim light emminated from the ceiling. Had someone lit a candle before we arrived?

And this room? Did Cerastes carve it out the from the mountain side or did he have to dig and then put the rock in later?

It must have taken a really long time to build. I nodded, agreeing with myself. Maybe even longer than Laurel took when she built her love nest. I looked at all the details of my new home with care.

I should make sure to praise this place alot when Cerastes comes, so he knows I appreciate his effort.

I leaned back on the ground and looked straight across the floor. The floors look even, a good sign. My white hood fell back as I stood up now barefoot. I jumped up and down. No shaking. Just the soft thud of feet. Sturdy.

Marrow tilted his head at my antics, He crouched infront of the fireplace that was part of the right wall, and began to build a fire.

The room was open with high ceilings. A fire place and worn rug. A large open arch led to what I expect was outside but I didnt feel a breeze.
That must be the cooking area.

The temperature was very cool inside the mountain and the air felt oddly stagnant since the room was open to the outside. I worried about being able to keep the house warm in the winter without a door to close the archway, but maybe dragons felt temperature different than humans.

I would prefer a door there since it led outside other wise I'd just hang a blanket over the door to keep the heat in. I'll talk to Cerastes about it later.

I turned. The left side of the room led down another hall. Rooms in the big girl house were smaller than this hallway.

I pushed against the wall lightly, but it didnt give. The walls were also sturdy. I didnt have to worry about them falling in on me in my sleep. I brushed the tips of my fingers along the wall as I walked, feeling them go numb with cold and friction.

The room in town had been very decorated but this place seems so empty. No wall hangings, no furniture.

"Young miss! please wait here. I prepared a fire, It should keep you warm long enough for my lord to return." He said standing up, patting his pants with his hands.

I stopped my exploration down the long hall and returned to the entrance area. There were no cushions to sit on by the fire.

"Your leaving?" I asked, sitting on the floor.

"Yes, I have to get back or I'll be suspected." He explained.

"When will Cerastes be back?" I asked my voice raising.

"When hes done with his task." Marrow replied a little to sharply.

Embarrassmed, I looked away and nodded. Marrow walked to the door and pulled it open with some difficulty. He then walked out calmly without the same rushed pace he had used to enter.

'When hes done with his task', huh?

I guess I really dont know much about dragons, I realized. Sure they were stong, fast, and what they looked like.
They owned land.
They owned people.
They tax their territory once a year.
They punish those that dont pay.

But what do they do all day?

I remembered the conversation we had after leaving town. The jobs that were required of Cerastes. The cruelty his family had shown. I spread my feet out towards the fire and winced when I felt the floor grate against my blister. I'd forgotten it was there. I pulled my knees in and applied pressure to the sore.

What tasks will I have now?

It's not like I can weave and dye clothes or blankets to trade. Maybe I can make some cushions for this hard floor. I guess I could make some decorations for this place. A new rug would take a long time.

But i have time it's not like I have kids to keep up with.


I hadnt even thought about having children and now it's a possibility. What if I'm pregnant now? I'm not prepared!

Theres baby clothes, and baby blankets, and lots of swaddle cloths, toys, and, and, and I dont know!

I always thought my mother, my family would be around to help when my time for having babies would come. There has always been babies and kids running around, it's not like I dont know anything but I wasnt exactly an active participant.

The information didnt apply to me, I assumed I'd just learn it later. Now, now theres no one to teach it.

I cant let my emotions control me. Breath. I tried to center myself. Deep breaths in. Slow breaths out. Clear everything out of my head.

My racing heart began to slow but the growing ache in the back of my throat persisted.

Can Cerastes and I even have children together? Does he want kids? I could take a preventative tea just in case but I dont have the plants.

How many days has it been since I bled. Time had blurred together. The moon was dark tonight so I had maybe five or seven days left till I would know anything.

Yet another conversation to add to the list. My body feels so worn out. I looked around for something to put under my head but the room was empty. Remembering the soldiers, I took of the cape and rolled it up. It sort of looks like a cushion, I thought but as soon as I layed down to rest I began to worry.

Dragons Are Demanding (Book 1)CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now