80.) Make a Note

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The room was cooling down now that the fire had begun to die. Three bodies filled a bed but only one remained awake.

(Cerastes PV)

She speaks to me often, Cerastes thought. When he goes to sleep, when he wakes up, when he eats. She wants to talk to him but she was infuriated when he would ask her daily status during the brooding period.

Her emotions would crash into him like waves. How does it not exhaust her? Happy to the point of tears, sadness that aches, angry, agitated, lust, anxiety, fear. I cant keep up with what's going on on the inside to also manage what's going on on the outside.

Shes constantly questioning things, laughing, telling me a plethora of information that Isnt nessicary for any report or project. Conversation for the sake of conversation. It was a new experience.

She talks about goats with forward facing eyes and thick coats.
Celebrations where humans marinate themselves in wine.
The small idiosyncrasies of those who are no longer living.
Information that has no specific function.

Then theres the information I collect by observation.
She crys in her sleep from time to time. She makes a clicking sound out of the corner of her mouth to Vihar when she wants him to come closer to her. She drawes symbols in the fireplace ash to protect us, which is much an insult as it is confusing. I'm more capable of protecting the den than a scratch in fireplace waste.

What am I to do with all this data, disregard it? Catalog it away for a time when it might serve a purpose?
She doesnt like the sound of claws against paper.

The high lord and my brothers spent most of my life span trying to pretend I didnt exist or attempting to make me wish I didnt.

The  one who taught me how to live, how to hunt, how to read, it was uncle. When I was small it was to dangerous to be out in the open where Talon might strike. The slave tunnels were my safe haven, after all a dragonkin was much to large to fit.

What I found was what I ate.

Where I felt tired is where I slept.

Exploring every room and crevise like a feral beast until I happened into his study.
Crashed into his study, would be more accurate.
Living with him was better than anything I had come to expect. Prepared meals, a warm place to sleep, but every conversation was for a purpose or goal. Information to be cataloged. Experiments, brainstorming, and hypothesis.

This female is the complete opposite. I'm not functioning at my full ability and I know it.

I should have hibernate a decade ago. Undesirable side effects occure without the proper sleep. Aggressive tendencies, loss of patience, an unshakable lethargy. A days sleep is little more than a nap and with Vihar I must sleep in a half conscious state.

As his sire I am responsible for his protection. We arient at war but instincts are hard to ignore. There is a constant anxiety that my nest might be attacked at any moment from an unknown invader. The primal instinct passed down from before dragonkin were a civilized culture of clans and borders.

I cant leave them unguarded to sleep for a year or two. Vihar grows each day, failing to document his development for future generations, for uncle, would be unthinkable. My female. If I slept now she might be dead when I wake up, taken by one of my brothers, or offered to another clan for financial gain. My new status and Vihars hatching will protect her to a certain extent but not entirely and definitely not if I'm hibernating.

If she were a dragoness I wouldnt have to be saddled with this predicament. She would have had the backing of her own clan and the title of Viharma (mother of Vihar) to rely on. Father would be gnawing at the bone to have her name in the mountains heart.

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