25.) Rest

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I heard heavy footsteps and turned to see the dragon kin in Laurels room.

He took off his mantle, and then to my suprize his shirt. I turned away to give him privacy.

I heard him pick up the clothes he took off and drop them in the living area before he shut the door.

When I turned back he was still in the room. Eating a chunk of meat on a stick. He stood in the middle of the room in nothing but a loin cloth.

"Hungry?" He asked.

I shook my head no furiously. The thought of eating made my stomach churn, smelling food made me feel nauseous. It didnt help that I was now In a room with a mostly naked man.

He tore the remaining meat of the bone and swallowed it. Before dropping the bone on the floor. He walked to the bed.

"Get in." He ordered gesturing to the bed as he pulled the blankets down.

I watched him as he threw a number of pillows off the bed, my feet moving towards him on their own. His feet were not like a humans they were clawed, the foot elongated into a heel that didnt touch the floor. His legs were scaled to his knees.

His tail was white and thick. His marital tattoo was red and in a pattern of his scales. His hands were similiar to a humans accept for the claws at the tips if his fingers.

He had bright red slitted eyes and whitish grey horns protruding from his hair line.

I crawled in the bed and laid down. I tried to not look below his waist. He had said he needed to sleep so I didnt think their would be any consummation but I also didnt think we would be sharing a bed.

He layed on the bed and covered us. Light streamed in from the small openings at the top of the walls. Laurel never shuttered the openings unless it rained. I preferred to sleep in complete darkness.

I was pulled to his chest and became a very uncomfortable little spoon. I tried not to think about where my butt was currently pressed against. I mean he was very handsome and now technically my spouse but I didnt even know his name.

I didnt even know his name!

With all that's going on I forgot to ask. He doesnt even know mine.

I cleared my throat.

"Uhh I, I'm Rowan just so you know." I said in a quietly.

I didnt hear a response, I was beginning to think he just didnt like talking. Or maybe he had already fallen asleep. He must be tired to sleep during the day.

"Can I have your name?" I asked sheepishly turning my head back to look up at him.

His eyes were closed, I turned my head back. He must already be asleep.

"Its Cerastes." He replied. "Sleep now."


All my siblings were named after trees. In my mothers tribe all the children were named after nature. She named us after trees so that we might put down strong roots in this valley and live long lives.

Alot of good it did us I thought bitterly.

My thoughts turned to the events of the night before. There were no tears left. Only an empty feeling. I was all that was left. At least I'm not alone I thought. I placed my hand over the clawed one around my waist.

Find the good.

I was able to introduce my bond to my father before he passed on. His breath would return to the great breath that in turn fills everyone with life. They might be dead, but my family lives on in the breath that fills others.

Their souls would not be lost to the abyss.

"Sleep." The voice behind me ordered more sternly.

How did he know I was awake?

I tried to stop my mind, and clear my thoughts. Take deep even breaths. Relax my body.

I didnt realise how tired I was. It was still early morning I hadnt even woken up that long ago. I listened to the sound of Cerastes breathing and fell asleep.


(Cerastes PV)

After another full day of sleep, I awoke in a bed that was to small for my height.

The unfamiliar smell bothered me.

The room was dark but I could still see as if it was day. I had to curl my legs to keep my feet from going over the edge of the bed. The woman, Rowan was still  asleep.

I had already informed the soldiers that she belonged to me and that she would be accompanying us back but I had her sleep next to me as a precaution.

The spot furthest from the door was safest and humans were fragile.

We still weren't entirely sure why the rebels wanted to massacre this tribe.

I'd have the guard give a more detailed report of the incident later and procure an account from the woman.

If they had been after the magic tools wouldn't they need to find where they were stored?

Mearly destroying the tools would be a waste, especially for something sobvaluable and rare. Killing off the tribe that makes the tools would be a waste to a dragon but to a human it might be a way of keeping the tools valuable.

If there are many who could make a magic tool the price  could decrease.
Maybe they planned on keeping a few alive.

They must have already known where the magic tools were stored and the tribe was in the way.

Or they feared that the tools would come into dragon possession and be used to find all of their members and hiding places.

It wasnt a bad idea.

By the number of houses in the valley their population should be larger than the bodies accounted for. less than thirty were lying on the ground and that included the rebels.

Did the rest get away. If they are capable of creating magic tools they must be of the castor race. I thought they had all died out long before I was born.

It would increase my status if i discovered a usefull endangered species.
Especially If they were capable of reproducing with dragons. Finding one was a prize but an entire tribe would be a territorial treasure.

News like that would spread through the clans like wild fire. If his uncle recieved the news he would come back immediately.
It was his uncle's life mission to preserve and prevent the further decline of his species.

Maybe there were more survivors. He had ordered the men to comb the area and to bring any survivors back to camp.

Ill hope for good news. Going to the door that lead to the living room, i opened it. Washed clothes were sitting in a neatly folded pile with spoons on top. Next to the clothes were three lidded bowls that radiated heat and smelled of stew.

I picked up the bowles with one hand and lined them across my arm to carry. Then he picked up the pile of clothes with the other. Setting the bowls on one of the many shelves by the door.
Opening the first one,  a wave of steam poured out. I put my mouth to the rim and ate the first bowl without using the spoon.

Even though the contents would have scalded a humans mouth, to me it was barely a mild warmth. Dragons could breath fire, a bowl of stew was nothing.

I picked up the second bowl and downed it in the same manner. It was enough to make me not hungry but not enough to fill me.

We needed to start moving soon. He looked to the woman on the bed she still slept. When she wasnt caked in blood and mud she wasnt bad looking, for a human.

I pulled off the blanket and saw that the wound on her knee had scabbed over. She was facing away, with her arm underneath her. If she was comfortable enough to sleep on it it must not be to bad.

The body of castor is more resilient than I expected. At least she wont die from infection.

"Wake up." Cerastes ordered.

Dragons Are Demanding (Book 1)CompleteTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang