6.) Room to Grow

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(New POV)

In Pyros valley, the people who were blessed with breath lived peacefully. No one died of old age or sickness, the people were fertile, and maintained a youthful appearance despite the passing decades.


I covered my face to block out the sun

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I covered my face to block out the sun. The breeze was nice but still a bit chilly. Mountains loomed around the valley.

Before me a vast green clearing with the occassionally out crop of trees. The fluff goats filled the area with the sound of their bleating and eating. They meandered the valley chewing grass. It is my job to keep this herd safe. A fluff-herdess.

As I walk them over to the river I pat the tops of their brown heads, my hand almost getting lost in their plush coats. It almost time to sheer, it's better to cut their wool early. They might get heat stroke or start rubbing off their coats if I wait much longer.

Now that I think about it, maybe I should have done it earlier, I bite my nails as I mull it over.

My siblings could have used the raw wool when they go to town but the wool is worth more after its processed. Nobody came to ask me about it so it should be fine. While I was think about it, one of the goats fell over in to the water.

"You dumb thing!" I say with a sigh.

The water is only knee deep here, about as shallow as it gets, but the goats are so fluffy at this time of year that once they flop sideways or upside down they cant get back up on their own.

Throwing off my bow and quiver, I reach into the icy water. The goats legs thrash water everywhere. Making it difficult to reach the head but i grabone of the goats horns and pulled it up and out of the water.

Walking a few steps away from the bank, the goat bleats anxiously shaking off water and quivering.

Wading out of the chilled water, i suddenly feel a harsh kick and fall back into the river.


Completely drenched.

My dark wavey brown hair looks almost straight and black after getting wet. My tan skin prickling with goose bumps.

I felt my leg throb a bit, itll be bruised for sure. But I wont be able to get a proper look until I get home and strip out of these breaches.

" That's great." I sigh, now Ill have to walk all the way home cold and wet. The long sleeves of my top hung loosely due to the weight and it was secondhand.

" You know some of us actually had other plans today." The goats ignored my lamenting. I checked that my gear was ok, having dropped it abruptly. It was fine.

"Were cutting munching time short, Keeee! kip-kip KehKeee!" I hollered. I patted the butts with my bow.

The sound we yell when we put treats in the goats feeding trough. Hearing the sound the goats stomped excitedly.

Following behind me, they shoved eachother to try and move ahead to be in the best place.

Almost home

I already smelled of goat now it's going to be worse.

Almost home

Oh my legs chaffed!

But the goats still had to be put up. I walked past the entry way, the log fences on each side were mostly to keep the fluff goats out of the sweet potatoes and the grain fields.

I walked past a couple of empty houses. Before reaching the goat pen.

"Keeee! Kip-Kip! Kehkeeee" I yelled, standing in the pen. The circular corral became a dusty mess of bleating and excited stomping. I poured some oats into two troughs and climbed over the fence.

I didnt want to be trampled to death trying to push through the group to get out using the gate, So after I climbed over the fence I walked around and closed it from the outside. The hoard of goats, distracted by treats didnt notice the fence locking.

My sandles were squishy and muddy. They made squelching sounds as I walked. Several times   my feet slipped oddly around in my shoes. Will I break my ankle today?

I finally made it to the big log house. I felt relief just getting to the door way. Slipping my shoes of outside the door, I started to peel of the wet brown tunic before stepping in. 

" you better not be bringing your wet muddy clothes into this house!" A familiar voice yelled.

Startled and with the top just over my head I turned to look at my sister. Well one of my sisters.

Through the opened door, more than a dozen eyes were staring back. Most of my sisters had houses of their own, with husbands and kids to fill them.

well except that one that brought a wife home she doesnt have kids but they do have alot of pottery.

Doing a rough head count there was at least twenty people in the house. Eleven of them were my blood sisters. A couple of my brothers wive's were sitting about, the children could be heard running outside and playing in the bedrooms.

In the farthest corner sat my mother sitting between women holding up fabrics and talking animatedly.

No woman in this house looked more than thirty or so but most of them were ALOT older.

The house I live in is large compared to other houses particularly because it's where the single adult daughters of Thistle and O'lan live.

At one point or another all eleven of their daughters have lived in this house. I am one of the four that still do.

it's a running joke that the last girl who marries gets to keep the big girl house.

I really dont want it.

Specifically because every time some sort of event happeneds everyone's in my living space!

Even now, Im hoping my things are alright in the next room with all my nieces and nephews running about.

The house has a large living space and two rooms off of that.

Both are crammed full of beds. Mostly unused now. The cooking area is outside and to eat cushions are placed on the floor in the living space.

This area is also for crafting and weaving and on days like today, preparing for the annual ceremony.

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