5.) A Fresh Start

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Following behind Pyros proved difficult. Although he was recovering from his wounds he still walked at a pace that caused Thistle to jog to keep up.

At first it wasnt to bad since the valley was mostly flat. But as they began to ascend higher the walk become more of a hike.

They did not stop to eat, they only drank what they carried with them, and when they need to relieve themselves they did so quickly and ran to catch back up

Not once did they complain about the pace and the male never looked back to check that the couple was behind him.

O'lan began to wonder if this was a test from the Great Breath, to see if he and his wife might be worthy of this new land.

The sun beared down with its heat, and the weight of the pack seemed to be that of heavy rocks.

O'lan wondered if the dragon kin was lying and intended to exhaust the couple then, when he grew hungrey, burn and eat them. He hadnt eaten in at least three days. He must be hungry.

After a few hours of a beatly pace, Pyros stopped abruptly seeing a large flat rock. Pyros layed down as if to absorb the heat and fell asleep.

Filled with relief, O'lan drop his pack carelessly and layed on the ground. His arms coveres his eyes and his legs bent at the knee.
Panting loudly. Coughing occasionally.

It took Thistle a few moments to reach O'lan as she had fallen behind when she was relieving herself. She had waved him on to keep going as to not loose sight of the male.

After reaching her husband, Thistles legs wobbled and she collapsed on her back next to him. She clutched her rib cage tightly as if it might burst if she let go. Heaving loudly.

They layed on the grassy ground that was slightly damp and felt slightly refreshed by its coolness. 
While the temperater was cool enough that they still felt comfortable with long sleeves, the hike had made them feel like they were burning up. Surely being naked would be more preferable than these long sleeved tunics!

Breathing in

Trying to hold the breath

Breathing out

And repeating this over and over.

Thistle did not want to keep moving but this place was not a valley which meant there was still a ways to go. Preparation for the rest of the journey was necessary especially when she didnt know how long the journey would last.

She rolled over and took the water pouch from her husband's waist and then slowly raised herself up and crawled to the small stream that curved down the edge of the mountains side . 

First she guzzled the water to fill her mostly empty stomach. Then she filled her husband's pouch and then her own. Before laying back down she dip her head into the water. The stream was only deep enough to cover half her face. So the rolled her neck to dip the other side of her face.

She briefly wished there was enough water to dip her whole body in but they had no idea how much time they would have to rest and she could barely move her body as it was.

After nearly an hour the male woke up. He stretched his arms up and yawned widely. Seeing the sharp teeth on the sides of his mouth seemed to make him even more imposing. The couple seeing his movement slowly rose from the ground on shakey legs. Picking up the packs that were heavier than they remembered.

While following the male they fell behind but never once let him out of sight. Thistle threw up nearly all the water she had drank. After an hour O'lan was pulling, nearly dragging his wife along by the hand.

"Were almost there." He kept repeating in a whisper, like a mantra. Whether it was to reassure his wife or himself he wasnt sure.

At some point O'lan stopped paying attention to his surroundings, all that existed in the world was his wife's hand in his and the sight of the male that lead them.

His eyes had ceased to see anything other than the the broken wings that were infront of him. So when the male stopped it did not register in O'lans mind.


"Were here." Pyros stated. He turned around for the first time in the journey to see the couple covered in sweat and shuffling towards him still a distance behind.

O'lan saw that the vision of what he was following had changed to a front facing view and the change pulled him out of his daze. Letting go of his wife's hand, he finally looked around to see his surroundings. Thistle crumpled to the ground.

The valley, contained many trees and when he looked back from where they came he could tell that they were at a much higher elevation than where they had been camping. Water ran through the valley and descended down like a water fall, to become a tributary of a larger river. 

This would be a good place for him and his wife. They were at least two days travel from the nearest town. He was to tired to think and was sure he would pass out soon like his wife who layed on the ground.

O'lan did not remember making a conscious choice to lay down but he found himself on his side with his pack still on. He watched as the male turned his back to the couple for the last time.

"Could I know your name before you go, my lord" O'lan said in a quiet voice not sure if the male had heard him or would even answer if he did.

The male did not turn back, he only yelled " Pyros". And continued walking.

"Thank you, Pyros." O'lan whispered and then he fell into a dreamless sleep.

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