34.) Alone with myself

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I felt sore and my sleeping schedule is all messed up.

I need to stretch.

With nothing left to do, I set out to explore everything in the room.

I sat on furniture, looked behind all of the hanging blankets for doors,and rifled through drawers. Before laying back on the bed.

It was the softest bed I had ever been on. It was like laying on a thick layers of sitting cushions. Despite its softness and knowing we would have to be traveling again tomorrow, I couldnt sleep.

This place was still much to new. The bed didnt smell like home familiar.
The sound of breathing or light snoring used to lull me to sleep, now it's no where to be heard.

I didnt know that silence would make me feel this restless.
This lonely.

Ash used to snore.
I remember when Laurel used to room with us, she woke Ash up just to yell at her to turn over. Laurel was happy when Tilla and Juniper moved out and got married early. It meant she could room with Aspen.

I guess I've never slept alone before.

Napping in the field while the goats grazed didnt count.

I always wanted my own space. A quiet place where I could go without my family over crowding me.

Laying in the middle of the bed, I stretched out my arms and still couldn't reach either edge of the bed.

I guess I got what I wanted. I squeezed my eyes shut.

I think I might throw up.

Pain rose up from my stomach and expended in to my chest. The pressure made it hard to breathe. I couldnt control the muscles in my mouth, they contorted into a forced grimace.

I gritted my teeth against the ache building in my throat. Swallowing hard, to force down the bile that was building. My body shook and shivered as if I was freezing.

I sobbed with big ugly tears and tried to stifled them with a pillow over my face.

I had only thought about missing the sound of Ash's snoring, and now I'm a mess.

I miss them to the point it hurts.

I felt guilty for all the times I had taken my family for granted. Hiding out to avoid hectic houses.
All the times I ignored Ferns chattering.

My chest felt sore and my hands ached. It was like I had lost the strength in my fingers. I curled up in the fetal position, wrapping my legs around a pillow.

I took deep shakey breaths to calm myself down, hugging the pillow to my chest.

I have to calm down.

How I feel, will affect him and he has a job to do. I need to get myself together for the both of us.

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