59.) Record keeping

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(Cerastes chapter)

Cerastes logged today's information as  well. Copying detailed information down was an idiosyncratic habit of his uncle which Cerastes had picked up working as his assistant.

To prepare for his uncles return, Cerastes carefully kept track of everything that happened in the den. Pyros would want every detail and Cerastes did not intend to disapoint. What the woman ate, the portion size,  the temperature of the room, nap duration, and even her mood.
No detail was to small.

He was confident if a hatchling occured, a copy of this log would sell for more than what the territory brought in per decade.

Cerastes stopped writing and layed his head down on his arms to think if he might have missed anything.

His eyes flicked to the woman by the fire it had become a habit to check on her every few minutes. She was doing needlework on the floor. Scrapes from his soft ruined formal wear were becoming the inside of a blanket. He didnt tell her that hatchlings would shred fabric and that furs would be used instead. He had read that nesting was an important aspect of brooding so he let her do whatever she liked.
Stress was dangerous.

At first he had regretted giving her the cloth since she was distressed by them but she seemed content now. He made a note of the incident anyway.

He had already combed through his uncles logs from his previous trials. all of the logs were over a century old but it didnt hurt to review data.

The hypothesis Pyros had formulated was that humans, although bipedal and similiar in form to dragonkin, were too biologically different to carry a dragonkin egg.
The goal of his experiments was to change the human women's constitution to that of a dragoness so that they might be substitutes for the decreasing female population.

Few test subjects survived the trials and the ones that did were no longer usable. Despite overwhelming failure there were some advances.

Dragonkin blood ingested in small doses over a long period of time did show changes in skin consistency as well as the ability to handle exposure to hotter temperatures but as time progressed the women became more volatile in temperament.

▪︎Paranoid of others.
▪︎Increased strength.
▪︎Faster recovery times.
▪︎heightened sences

Were listed as symptoms of the experiment but none of the females were able to enter a brooding phase.

He flipped through the file names.

◇Implantation of scales (negative)
◇Folical transplant (negative)
◇Skin graphing (negative)
◇Bone transplant (negative)
◇Blood consumption (Positive)

All of his uncles work.
His previous failures, had lead to this.

He felt pleased and angry, breeding had resulted in a brooding phase but his uncle had kept an entire Villiage as a secret experiment from him. His most trusted confidant. There was surely a file on that Villiage somewhere. Hed have to ask Pyros when he returned.

But why hadn't he returned?
Were there more Villiages spread out across the territory?
The continent?

Maybe humans only thrived in their natural environment and raising them free ranged was to prevent stress?

Cerastes rubbed his face roughly, his white mane brushing against his fingers. He was tired. Dragonkin needed periodic hibernation periods to function. Yet, Dante had been pushing him to stay awake for longer periods of time.

Once every decade or so hed sleep a few months at a time. Now even if he was permitted a hibernation period he wouldnt have the time. He had a brooding female to guard and a hatchling to prepare for. He eyed the womand stomach protectively.

The brooding period was likely to be unstable and possibly non viable. The thought lived in the back of his mind. Of course he wouldnt tell her that. Knowledge is a burden and a privilege. It was an nagging in the back of his mind, but if he controlled every aspect of the brooding then success was possible.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"We ate an hour ago." She replied, her hands and eyes stayed on her work.

"I'll bring you something to eat." He said standing up.

"I'm really fine." She said shaking her head.

"I'll bring something for you to gnaw on." He ignored her answer. His offspring would never be hungry as long as he lived.

It was good that he didnt need to go far for meat.
Cerastes had been granted the ability to recruit and manage a unit as part of his duties to patrol the outer area. He often had his unit bring in wood and meat while patrolling. This took care of most his daily living necessities but the added needs of a brooding female would require more.

The main issue was that Cerastes wasnt a recognized member of the clan. He didnt receive slaves or a portion of the territories taxes.

He did receive vassal pay but it was similiar to the small amount that his unit members recieved. His uncle allowed him to live within his personal territory which meant his housing, bathing, and his uncles slaves and servants could be utilized but meal ingredients, clothes, and excess funds had to be generated himself.

He had gone to the pantry and brought back a chunk of salted ham the length of a forearm. That was kept in one of the large barrels. The outside was dark and discolored.

He sat infront of the woman on the floor and began to use his long clawes to slice away the outer parts that werent fit to eat.

"Here take this." He said handing the meat over.

"I'm really not hungry yet." She said putting her work to the side and taking the meat.

"A few bites." He said raising the meat to her mouth.

She sighed loudly but her impertinence didnt phase him.

She took a small bite and chewed.  He watched very closely to make sure she didnt choke. Invading her personal space. Then another bite. Her eyes grew distant as if she were lost in thought. She began to chew more animatedly. Tearing off larger bites.

He nodded as if to encourage her. When he thought she might put the meat down he moved to hold it back to her mouth. 

She snaped at him as if to bite him and let out a small grumble from the back of her throat.

A tiny growl.

She posed no threat to him but he still gave difference to her and moved away from her meal. She eyed him as if he might steal it away from her. But despite her actions Cerastes was delighted.

It was natural behavior for a brooding female. It was a good sign for the hatchling. He put more distance between them and returned to his wooden desk to log this new incident.

Dragons Are Demanding (Book 1)CompleteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora