32.) Report

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The Tavern was a raucous mess as usual. It's why this tavern was used as often as it was, it was to loud to hear and no one would notice an added visitor or two.

A man in his forties sat at a table by the stairs. D'jin

there was grey in his dark hair and beard. His eyes more grey than blue, and his skin like leather from years in the sun.

D'jin was a regular, sat in the same spot every evening, without fail. Hed stay till it got dark and then make his way home.

People might stop to talk for a moment but he usually kept to himself. On this night he had two visitors. They shook hands and left.

When the usuall time came about, D'jin got out of his chair, it made a sputtering sound as he placed it back in its proper position. But the tavern was so loud no one heard him get up. D'jin carefully navigated around splashing drinks and drunk patrons before leaving the tavern.

He walked a few blocks without turning to look behind him. When he arrived at his destination he leaned against the building as if to steady himself after to many drinks. Carefully looking around the empty street. He came to the door of a closed tailor shop and knocked four times in quick succession.

The door opened and D'jin quickly stepped inside. The shadowed figure of a boy closed and locked the door immediately with a wooden beam. 

The tailor shop was dark but the pair walked through the building with a since of urgency.

The boy lead D'jin to the work area in the back, walked five steps against the wall and then knelt down. D'jin pushed the rug out of the way and found the hidden door.

Again he knocked four times In quick succession, opened the hatch and climbed down the stairs.

The boy then covered the hidden area before resuming his post.

With D'jins entrance the quiet voices in the underground room went silent. Eight shrouded men sat at a table in candle light, their eyes on the new comer.

D'jin came to the table, and opened the first message with clumsy fingers.

"D'zarren has been arrested for tax evasion."  he read aloud.

The men at the table breathed a collected sigh of relief. The closest man to D'jin grabbed D'jins shoulder and shook it supportively.

"At least we wont have to kill him." The man said gruffly.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean the damb lizard wont!" Another replied harshly. "We cant just leave him in there."

"He hasnt returned yet, there still might be time to buy D'zarrens..." the curly haired one agreed.

"Hes such an idiot! How can a money lender not have money to pay his damb tax! He could have borrowed from us!" A third interrupted with a rant.

D'jin fell into his seat heavily. His brothers fate was grim. He had known D'zarren was being slow to pay the tax but hadnt worried about it. His brother had always taken care of his own money. Now he faced a death sentence.

The news that his brother had been captured came in the evening the day after it had happened. Apparently he had been hiding out in the tavern of some family he had lent money to and gotten nabbed by the damb snake himself.

Of course they didnt know why until tonight. The whole community had been in a state of terror after a primary member had been taken in to custody. Especially after they had dispatched a unit to kill off the Villiage that belonged to Pyros. The community had been agonizing over the possibility of arrest and death.

"I'll go tomorrow, an see if I can pay his tax. It's all that can be done." D'jin said in a low voice.

A flurry of quiet conversation
Raising his hand D'jin said.

"There was a second message." He unrolled another small piece of parchment.

"The men still havent returned." D'jin read aloud.

This hadnt been news exactly.

"We need to accept the fact that they may not be comming back, soldiers were also sent up the mountain." One sighed.

"Do you think they at least accomplished the mission?" The man next to D'jin asked.

"Pyros or the lizards guards may have killed them. Its anyone's guess." D'jin answered.

Everyone began talking at once. Whether to send a scout. To take their families to go into deep hiding.

"The revelation of Pyros's recent activity is disheartening. Especially after our forefathers weapons were able to injure a dragonkin. Its disappointing he didnt die like we hoped.
His creation of magic tools that can find anything and anyone is terrifying. What's more terrifying is that he had been amassing a private group of his own hunters to use these tools. I know it's hard but we will just have to be patient." The young man with blue eyes stated.

"Well wait two more days for their return and that's all." Said the shortest one.

"In the mean time meetings will continue every night untill they do." Said the burly man next to D'jin.

"Agreed." They said in unison.

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