27.) Leaving The Nest

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      There were more horses than people. Some of the horses looked singed from the fire. Men in white capes sat atop them.

When I was young I used to have toy carvings of animals. The horse was one of my favorites, passed down from another sibling.

When the raiders were attacking i knew they rode horses but It wasnt like I could enjoy the experience.

Horses were bigger than I thought they would be.

We dont keep horses as the goats are more than enough. I had once asked father if we could have a horse but he said they were not suited to the mountain like the goats.

Goats are sure footed in rocky terrain. Less slickly. Big enough to pull wagons, and after a couple years the goats coats changed from shaggy hair to soft wool. They became part of our way of life.

I havent seen any fluff goats. Did they burn to? What kind of caretaker am I to only think about them now. I looked around at my surroundings and found none.

"Did they find any goats?" I asked as I walked awkwardly in the small sandals

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"Did they find any goats?" I asked as I walked awkwardly in the small sandals.

"The only ones they found were burnt up and we ate them." He replied.

I remembered back to the leg he had eaten and the stew. It's not like we didnt eat the goats, of course we did.

Although, killing a goat was only done when there wasnt enough meat from the hunts to fill the cold store. It was considered a sad but nessicary occasion to have to kill one since they were a source of milk, wool, income, and transportation.

They were stupid and a pain in the ass but they were mine to look after. I added the loss to the pile.

"Pack her items with the rest." Cerastes ordered the soldier who had followed us from the house.

The guard gingerly held out his hands and I dropped the unfolded mass into them.

Cerastes led me to one of the horses that wasnt being occupied with a guard. Why is his coat different than all the others?

"You will ride this one." He said.

I'd always wanted to ride a horse.
It looked easy enough. Probably the same as riding a goat. Four hooves in all, except with horses you dont have to worry about the horns.

This horse was brown or maybe black, the night was bright but it affected color visibility.

Ohhh it feels sleek. Definitely not like a cow or a goat. Its muscles were strong and its mane is coarse.

It's so tall, how do I get on it? I watched as Cerastes crouched slightly, jumped and softly landed on the horse. The horses acted a bit skittish when he sat on it but settled down.

Ok so i just.   jump.

I took a few steps back and leaped. My effort did not get me nearly high enough. I basically ran into it and slid off the side. The horse stepped anxiously and nickered.
I could hear a few of the men chuckle. I got up and dusted myself off then took a deep breath, and took several more steps back. The sandals were no help.

Then I ran and jumped with all my might. I skidded over the top of the horse and straight to the ground. My arms at least broke my fall.
This time the snickers were out right laughs.

I looked up to see Cerastes on a horse.
"What are you doing?" He said with an exasperated sigh.

"Im trying to get on the horse, you make it look so easy." I said dejectedly.

He rubbed his temple.
"Why arient you using the stirrup?" He asked.

I looked at him with confusion.

"Am I supposed to know what that is?" I asked in a frustrated tone, raising my hands with a shrug.

I could feel the guards behind me tense.

"Have you not rode a horse before?" He asked dully.

"This is the first time iv touched one." I said patting the horse.

I knew at least some of the frustration I was feeling was mine, but I bet most of it wasnt.

"I can't share a horse with you, the horse couldnt carry us both." He replied. Pausing to think.

Our heads turned at the sound of a man clearing his voice.

Our heads turned at the sound of a man clearing his voice

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"My lord, she can ride with me." A blond man volunteered.

The sound that came out of Cerastes made my hair stand up. It was loud like a throaty bellowing roar. I felt a rush of anger and possessiveness that I had never felt before. My horse bolted.

The men flinched, their horses became agitated, and the one who volunteered to ride with me froze in place.

I wasnt afraid that I would be harmed. I knew that I wouldnt be hurt but it was an unsettling sound all the same. The possibility of violence filled me with nausea. The need to be comforted.

I brushed dirt off my dress and walked calmly to Cerastes horse and leaned my body against his leg. My head rested against his knee. I took deep even breaths and hoped that my calm would become his calm.

After a couple deep breaths I felt his hand pat my head.

"Get her horse back, show her how to get up." Cerastes ordered without looking behind him.

The once frozen gaurd was the first to comply. He chased after the horse and brought it back.

Showing me what the stirrup was.
what the reins were.
That the seat is called a saddle. I put my foot in the stirrup and swung my leg over and the guards averted their eyes.

"Ok, I'm on!" I said cheerfully. The horse took a few lumbering steps and I felt the horses muscles as it moved.
The leather saddle creaked as the horse walked, shifting its weight from side to side.
"That wasnt so bad." I grinned at Cerastes.

"Tie a rope to her pommel and give me the lead." Cerastes ordered.

Aaand now I know what a pommel is.

The guard who tied the rope to the pommel, sweated profusely. He was very carefull not to touch me at all.

After the rope was tied we were able to begin moving.

I wanted to leave.
I needed to leave.
But when it came time it didnt feel real. I'd never left and now I might be leaving for good.
It was a very conflicted feeling.

I tried to calm myself. Theres nothing for me back there, there breath is gone.
My future is infront of me.
I looked at the rope that Cerastes held. My mother had left her family and her way of life to live with my father. All of my brothers and sister in laws did the same when they moved here and they were happy.

It doesnt feel like I could ever be without this weight in my chest but maybe one day I'll be happy to.

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