72.) Ruined it

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My baby.

Cerastes held this quiet creature in his pale arms. His hair was a dark black, pasted wetly to his little brown head. He took after my coloring, Cerastes must be happy. Teany tiny pointed ears and a long dark scaled tail drooped over Cerastes arm limply. On his back a thin membrane covered two black wings. Holding them down to his back as his chest rose and fell.

"Hes got so much hair." I said laying flat on my back.

"Hes perfect." Cerastes whispered. I dont know if he was in shock I had expected to see him beaming ear to ear but he just crouched there with a look of pure disbelief. It was a sweet and fragile moment.

Cerastes skimmed the tips of his fingers all over the baby, checking him all over. His ears, the two spiral swirls of hair above his brow, his scaled tail, and tiny fingers with needle like nail tips. But most adoringly, he ran his fingers over the babys wings. "Hes so perfect... theres nothing wrong with him."

"I'll be the judge of that." A deep voice sounded from the door. Kavern the high lord of the mountain ducked into the room, followed by his two sons.  He dressed in gold. Loose robes tide as the waist. How did I not hear them comming?

I quickly covered myself and looked about the room for Zin to ask her to bury the waste from the birth before the men could see it, but she was no where to be seen. It would have been better to have had time to clean up before his family came in but there was nothing I could do about it now.i tried to flatten my hair and cover everything with a blanket.

"You told me today was a laying but instead there is a hatchling." The high lord said swiping aside the barrier in front of him with a swipe of his hand. The loud crashing sent a wave of anxiety barreling through me with a shudder but I didnt move. I stared at our child but the sound hadnt even phased him. He dozed with quiet breaths.

The high lord crouched down in one swift motion beside my nest of pillows and blankets. Cerastes flinched covering the child protectivly, before visibly relaxing.

"The hatchling." The high lord demanded. Arms open. He hasnt even been cleaned yet and he wants to hold  him wearing such expensive looking clothes.

Cerastes delicately passed the slick child up to his fathers outstretched hands. Such sharp claws, and an overbearing figure. The muscles in my shoulders and neck tensed as if bracing for impact. If the high lord wanted to he could crush my child's head with two fingers. My hair stood up on my arms. At the moment I didnt want him to hold my precious, delicate child but the sentiment stayed choked in the back of my throat. A rock I couldnt swallow.

Yet when Cerastes let go my baby was cradled fine, held with such careful and practiced hands. I almost felt guilty for my apprehension. The high lord was a father too. I began to breathe again, the muscles In my back relaxing to a less fierce tension.

Like Cerastes, the high lord checked the child over from head to tail. Scrutinizeing every inch.

"His appearance is acceptable." The high lord determined with a discerning eye "but there is the final test."

With one flick of his nail he sliced a thin scratch on the babys left leg. Tiny droplets of blood formed up like beads across the cut and the child began to screech loudly. I scrambled to reach the child but Cerastes held me back. Every instinct in me told me to get the baby.
The baby is hurt.
Get him.
Get him!
Get him!!

I watched as the small cut healed up before my eyes. The high lord wiped away the blood with his thumb. Not even a scar was left behind.
"He is a dragon." The high lord Kavern confirmed with a smile that showed all his teeth. "I name him Vihar."

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