82.) Full Skies

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I felt the grass beneath my bare feet and the breeze on my skin. I basked in the cool moonlight with reverence. I didnt realize how much I had missed being outside. The view looking down from the mountain was beautiful.

The night was bright and the town at the base was still and quiet. Walls surrounded the mountain and the town at its base. I really dont know why they needed the wall, wouldnt dragons just fly over it? It's not like they could be harmed by humans anyway. Maybe the way it looks is nice.

Vihar was anxious. When I tried to let his feat touch the grass he clung to me tighter pulling up his feet and tail.

"Vee it's just grass, it wont hurt you." I assured him. I sat down and held him on my lap. "Look it's not bad."
I said running my hand over it. He looked at it suspiciously as if it might attack him at any moment, occasionally hissing.
"Oh look, what's that I pointed up at the sky." Faining amazement. "The moon! It's so big and bright!"

Following my finger he looked up and saw it for the first time. His eyes were opened wide in amazement. He reached up with his tiny clawed fingers to pluck the moon out of the sky.

When his little hand couldnt reach it he looked at me expectantly and squeaked in his tiny voice. When he thought I still didnt understand he grabbed my hand and lifted it to reach toward the moon. He wanted it, even without words he communicated so well.

"I'm sorry baby it's to high for mom to reach." I shook my head no. Even if he couldnt understand my words he understood gestures to a degree. When I wouldnt get it for him he looked to Cerastes and squaked at him.

Cerastes layed down next to us in the grass, further distressing Vihar. If no one was going to give it to him he was determined to have it himself.
He flapped his black wings trying to lift himself off my lap, not even minding the grass touchin him now. All his focus was for reaching the shiny orb in the sky.

"It will be time for flight lessons before long." He mumbled.

"Will it be difficult for him to learn." I asked watching how frustrated Vihar became.

"Uncle will teach him after the banquet." He assured me.

"I'm looking forward to meeting him." I said.

His laugh was a gravely sound.
"Meet him. If I know him he might actually move in to be closer. Enjoy your peaceful days, there's only a couple left untill Talon brings him back."

"What if Talon doesnt find him or if he doesnt want to come back?"

"They are both part of the mountain. It's like carrying a rope you cant see that attaches you to it. Talon will find him wherever he went and when uncle hears about Vihar, well nothing will be able to keep him away."

"I dont think this party will be anything like what we had back in the Valley."

"You only have to sit in your seat the first night." He answered.

"No talking, no walking, just sit and nod behind the curtain. I remember." I mimicked his previous lecture.

"Its for Vihar." He nodded. "If even one clan finds fault with him during his judgement it will impact him negatively for life."

"I know, but what does it matter if they dont like that I'm human or that not all of his teeth have come in yet?"

"They might withhold their clans blessing. It will stunt his growth. He would always be shorter, weaker, and slower than others. If he is going to rule the mountain one day he will need to be able to reach his full potential. Not to mention the social implications, a high lord that is unrecognized by a clan is an impossibility. There might be a non- aggression pact between the clans now, but if the head went unaccepted by society the Green Mountain territory would be fair game." He lectured.

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