12.) A Toast to Good fortune

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D'zarren pulled out a single mug from under his desk and showed it to the lad. He had Ceder walk out the open front door and close it.

There was a trap door just beneath his desk area which led to an escape tunnel under the city. One of a large network. Although he personally did not create these tunnels he was able to use them to his benefit.

He closed the door securely covered it with a rug and placed his chair back on top of it. Then he went back to the door and opened it.
"Its done." D'zarren said, and they both stepped back into the building and closed the door behind them.

Ceder pulled one crystal out of his pocket leaving the other in the handkerchief in his hidden pocket.

He took a deep breath and pictured the item he wanted to find.
A wooden brown mug, with the handle slightly discolored. His vision blurred and the crystal turned hot In his hand. It radiated a pulse, like a small heart beat.

When he had broken out of the trance he was holding the mug in his left hand and a broken crystal in the other.

D'zarren was in awe. There could be no possible way for Ceder to know about the trap door.

He was to naive to belong to the underground. And not clever enough to find it on his own. But as soon as he held the crystal in his hand his whole demeanor changed.

His head had snapped down, as if he could see through the desk, and floor to the mug below. Then his body moved rapidly throwing everything out of the way as if he were a parent trying to save their child trapped beneath rubble. Like his life depended on it. Then he found the lip of the door and immediately went underground to retrieve the mug.

D'zarren looked in the hole at Ceder and Ceder looked back up at him then grinned.

"The most I can give you is three dragoons." D'zaren stated with his arms on his hips. He reached out his hand to help Ceder out of the tunnel. Ceder grabbed the hand and said."You've got yourself a deal."

Leaving the handkerchief and crystal with D'zaren. He recieved his money from the safe D'zaren kept hidden behind a cabinet.
"If you ever find more of those Crystal's, make sure to bring them to me." The shop keeper said.

"Will do." Ceder replied.
He never intended to step foot in the shop again, but smiled anyway. As soon as he left the shop he broke out in a run to get back to the market. Not seeing the person hiding in the alley beside D'zarrens staring after him.


"Where in the Abyss have you been!?!" Shouted Laurel. "We have been all over the market looking for you!"

"I had to take a shit, it took longer than expected to find a place and get the job done." Ceder shrugged.

"I dont want to hear your excuses or about you relieving." Laurel screeched.

"Tell you what, next time I'll take you with me. That way you can be in control of everyone and everything that happends ALL THE TIME!" He replied sarcastically.

"Next time, Oak can go with you. To make sure you stay out of trouble." Spruce stated. "Now let's go we need to find a place to sleep for the night."

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