69.) Under Observation

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I felt guilty. The thoughts of what I could have done differently spiraled around my mind, and flowed down my cheeks. A worry that I thought would never come to be, suddenly happened without warning. The grief I felt trembled around In my rib cage as if I had spent a night in the freezing cold.

What are we going to do now that the world had changed again. I tried to memorize the way his arms felt, the texture between scales and skin. I didnt want to forget how he smelt. After today we could be seperated forever. How could I ever be ready for that?

He delivered me to the bed, along with the blanket. He began to step away but I didnt let go. If we just stay still really still, maybe time would stop and we could live in this moment always. The past couldnt change and the future was uncertain, only this moment was safe to live in.

"Maybe we could run." I whispered without looking up to face him.

He stood still, as if he was made of rock.

"Your fast, we might make it." I began.

"Feet cannot out distance flight." He said quietly.

I swallowed a sob down, and nearly choked on it. The meeting had been terrifying. Giants with eyes that bore down on me. Voices so deep I could feel the vibration in my throat and all the way to my bones. The brothers at least sounded like they had words mixed in but the father. His voice was purely that of a titan from the abyss. His face had been so close I was sure he was going to crush me. It would have been easy enough for him.

"Despite how much I dredded it, it actually went better than I could have hoped." He said patting my head.

My heart skipped a beat.

My eyes scanned his face. It didnt feel like a lie. Kind words to spare my feelings.

"Neither of us are damaged and I was able to bring you back unharmed. This was the second best scenario." He affirmed holding me tighter.

"I promise I didnt go out on my own." My voice cracked.

"I know I could smell him all the way to the door. Dont leak, understand? You will only make yourself more tired." He patted my head.

I struggled to swallow but I began to relax. The trembling in my chest slowly diminished.

"What's going to happen now?" I asked. "I couldnt understand a thing you guys talked about."

"The conversation has been put off till morning. The lord Kavern allowed you to return to my den."

"Does that mean we can stay together? That we wont be seperated?" Sitting on the bed, I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head against his stomach.

"I borrowed my uncles name, his has more value than mine. As long as the offspring can be hatched I think I will be able to keep you."

"Mmmh." I agreed. His brothers and dad might treat him poorly but what father would split up a couple after his son has a child to raise?
"When he becomes a grandfather he will definitely let us stay together, right?"

"He would be pleased to have a hatchling in the nest." He said, pulling apart from me. "But the fights not over yet, I have to prepare for the morning meeting so rest here."

I nodded in agreement. I did not envy the work ahead of him.

How much longer will it take for him to come back? I sat in front of the fire covered in blankets, pulling my hair out. The hair that replaced my original wavy brown was black and straight. My heels that had felt painful and cracked had become scaley. I just wanted to soak them and scrub away at the hard skin when it caught on blankets. I threw the hair that fell out into the fire and watched as it sizzles to nothing in a flash. The smell was less than ideal but I'd rather smell burnt hair than watch Cerastes picking up the strands and putting them in a pile.

then the lights in the room became brighter. I didnt know they could be that bright. I got up from the fire.

Authors note.
Today's issue was shorter than usual due to the death of my beloved pupper Rhino.
An 8 year old chihuahua who died suddenly in the night. Chapters will resume next week.

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