70.) Changes

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It was very bright. I blinked several times in succession. Adjusting to the light. I stood up and left the room. The lights were also bright in the main all the way up stairs. The carpet was in worse shape than I had believed, now exposed in a new light.

The sound of many feet could be heard down the hall. It was not the familiar steps of my husband. I panicked and escaped back into the bedroom, closing the door firmly behind me. I looked around to find a place to hide. I grabbed a blanket then climbed into the wooden wardrobe before closing myself in. I covered my mouth with the blanket to quiet my breathing.

One second

Two seconds

Three seconds

I heard a light knock before the doors opened.

The urge to run and fight pumped in my veins. It had never occurred to me to ask for a knife but in this moment I regretted not having one. The steps sounded closer and closer.

Then the door to the wardrobe opened.

"Calm down, you can come out." Cerastes said.

Relief poured out of me but their was still the unaccounted for steps. I poked my head out of the wardrobe in suspicion. The light had been turned dimmed again but the room was still more brightly lit than before.

Three people were standing side by side in a line inside the room. Dressed in brown clothes they stood with hands clasped. All of them were women.

"Husband who are they?" I asked Cerastes.

"There are going to be some changes from now on!" Cerastes said with joy. I wasnt sure I had ever seen him smile this much, even the sharper teeth in the back were visible.

"Then the meeting went well?" I asked climbing out of the wardrobe I grinned. "Tell me everything!"

"Life is going to be easier now. Full energy will be supplied to the wing as you probably noticed, food will be distributed for the entirety of the brooding and hatching phase, and more staff." Cerastes said gesturing to the staff.

"Does this mean they accepted our relationship?"

Cerastes turned his head to the side in confusion.

"They are going to let us stay together right?" I became anxious with his pause.

"We will continue to stay here, yes. More than anything they want the offspring to have everything it needs to grow."

I nodded. The high lord was terrifying giant but this is still his grandchild.
I hugged Cerastes, everything felt like it was falling into place. Then my stomach growled.

"Let's put you back in bed the maids will bring you something to eat." He assured. The three scurried off without a word of introduction.

"I guess we were worried for no reason." I smiled. "Are we going to see them more now that you've made up?"

"Iv told them it would be better for the hatchling to avoid meeting as much as possible but the maids will more than likely be giving them updates along my reports."

"They're spying on us?" I whispered.

"Its to be expected." Cerastes ran his fingers through his white hair. "One of them is from Dante the other two are from the high lord."

"I'll be carefull not to talk badly about them. What are the maids names?"

"Why do you always think I know what humans are called?"

"Well I guess I'm a little pleased you suddenly cared about their names. I might get a teensy bit jealous."


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