73.) Vihar

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Authors note.
Hey all. Finally we started getting to the parts of the book I think about the most. Like more dragons, new species, and the stuff that's going to emotionally wreak havoc on your thoughts while your at your day job. ~this is just the beginning.

I didn't like their gaze, their stillness, it felt unnatural. It was like waiting for stone to come to life. I tried to shake off the feeling of being watched and focused on the babys latching. At least if they were looking at me they wouldnt be hitting Cerastes.

The latch was painful but bearable. He didnt have teeth but he might as well had them by how painful it felt. His grip was very rough. Even though it was painful It was also a relief for him to be born strong and healthy. His tiny claws left thin cat like scratches over my breast as they flailed about.

A name is a precious thing. Maybe the traditions here are different but I wasnt pleased about my son being named without my input and more so there was no room to argue.

"Vee-Har" I said mulling over the name. Do you look like a Vihar? Was there any meaning to it, Vihars in the past to live up to? The name felt strange rolling off the tounge, but even if I didnt name him he was still mine.

I held his little brown hand in place to stop his scratching. I made this, well with help. I looked over to Cerastes who had crawled over to the edge of the nest. He layed his head on one of the pillows and a feeling of relief washed over me.

"Hes going to be just fine." I reassured him quietly. "Hes this strong already." I winced as Vihar bucked his head into me again like a small goat.

"You are certain his teeth will grow?" Dante asked.

"Yes." I replied making eye contact. "You can ask around if you dont believe me."

"The announcement will have to wait." The high lord spoke. "We'll hold the introduction after his fangs come in. Woman how long before they arrive?"

"For all of them...maybe a couple years." I replied.

An expression of distaste was visible, it contorted his brown brow and nose in a snear.

"Human development takes longer than our kind." Cerastes offered the information standing up, he limped slightly. He leaned on his tail for balance but each breath looked painful. "Even our kind looses fangs from time to time, they alway grow back quickly."

The high lord stared at our child for a long time. Before huffing out a loud sigh the lord Kaverns eyes bore down on Cerastes's injured form.
"Two names will be added to the heart this day."

Cerastes face showed no emotion but inside I felt my heart soar, I was happy to the point I thought tears would gush down my face. I didnt understand what it meant to add a name to the heart but I knew that it made Cerastes very happy.

"Father you dont mean to" Talon protested stepping foward.

Dante swiped him down with a flick of his tail. Knocking him off his hocked legs. Talon ended up a flapping heap on the floor, his long hair messed and the chains on his hands clinked quietly in my sensative ears. I thought Cerastes was the only one they treated badly but maybe I was wrong.

"I ask your mercy, father." Dante said formally. "He's still young."

"There is a youngling in the family now, it's time he started acting his age... Talon will take over radius watch for the time being. Cerastes has more pressing obligations to attend to."

"I will make sure he manages his task." Dante agreed.

"We're going to the heart." The high lord said. He walked out of the room without looking to see if he was being followed.

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