91.) Shreds

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It's easy to get lost in a task. I spend most of my time these days making Vee clothes. Well, what Cerastes considers appropriate clothes for a "yearling". Its not something children back home would wear but the thought process behind it made since.

I would describe it as a leather poncho but instead of a neck hole, a long rectangle is cut out instead. The rectangular hole drops down to the middle of his back, and in the front it ends about where his belly button would have been if the skin hadnt healed immediatly. A sash is tied around the waist to keep the material from billowing about. Theres plenty of space for little black wings and his tiny horns dont get caught because of the wide opening.

Vee is always so rough on his clothes but it hardly matters because he grows so quickly that he doesnt wear them for long. I have to make the clothes another size bigger to prepare for the next growth spurt, and add several nice sashes for when he goes to see his grandfather. At home and when he goes hunting he uses a length of rope as a waist tie. Its just untill he gets better at tying things without shredding them.

I tried mittens and gloves but he wouldnt keep them on and by the end of it there were holes where his fingers had been.

I heard the front door open. It made a heavy groaning sound followed by a thud. I looked at the window and it was still dark outside. I got off the floor and went outside to look down from the railing. Vihar was home but the man who entered wasnt my husband.


He wasnt supposed to be in here. Everytime I see him I think about how he frequently sent Cerastes home with gashes. His dark eyes looked up at me from the first floor and a chill ran up my spine. Purple fabric was draped over one shoulder while his other was exposed, the purple fabric draped around his hips covered him all the way to the floor and was held in place with a gold sash. His long black hair was tied up in a high ponytail. Meanwhile my spawn scampered around next to him in a leather outfit bound with rope. His little black wings beat excitedly as he hoped by Dantes feet. Oh I hope he doesnt tell his father that I'm not taking care of his nephew because hes not dressed in fine fabrics.

I turned and walked to the stairs, its rude to not greet a guest but at home guests were always relatives. I guess Dante is my relative now too so I should greet him, I think. How does Cerastes do it? It always very formal with the hands behind the back. Always standing behind Cerastes, I was never in a position to greet others and if were being honest I didnt want to.

I came to the down of the stairs a little ways training my eyes on the forms below. "Vihars Dame greets the eldest brother." I said putting my hands together behind my back.

"Pet. Your tricks need work." Dante said with a grimace. Only then did I see he was dragging a sack behind him. He looked down at Vee who was already trying to get into the sack.
"Vihar feel honored, this uncle touched something unclean for your sake." He dropped the bloody brown bag on the floor in front of the stairs. Blood had dripped from the bag as it was being dragged, leaving wet streaking tracks behind them.

"Thank you for bringing him home." I said, but I didnt move closer to scoop him up like I would have liked. I know that Dante would never hurt Vee. Vee was a prized child but I was a human and from what I've heard from Cerastes his brothers dont value human lives very well.

Vee ripped through the bag and deer hooves protruded out the end of the bag. He scrambled visibly inside the bag followed by the sound of bones snapping and crunching. The only part of Vihar that was visible was his little black tail that poked out the end of the sack, smacking and flailing as he gnawed on his prize.

Despite Dantes job being over he kept standing there. Why wasnt he leaving? Go home already! And where is my husband?

Wait that's a good question. Where is my husband? He wouldnt just leave Vee. The only reason I can think of that Dante is here touching dirty things and doing Cerastes job of carrying game home is because his father ordered him to. I wonder what job the high lord gave Cerastes to do, to make Dante babysit.

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