88.) Waves.

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  Chapter contains graphic content of a sexual nature. If you are uncomfortable with it please skip to the next set of stars.

My teeth raked over his ribs.
We had gone from having sex daily to no sex at all after I became pregnant. He was always very careful with me and for good reason but stopping all together was frustrating.

"Its been awhile." I said biting here and there, nibbling every inch of skin that my mouth could reach from my position, straddling his lap. The tops of my feet scraped against the stone floor when I leaned.

"There were pressing matters required my attention." He replied. I felt finger tips on both sides of my legs run up from my knees to my hips.

"I have a pressing matter that requires your attention." I wrapped my arms around him, pressed my chest against his torso. The sensation of rubbing up and down chest to chest caused heat to radiate on my face.

"Aggressive today." He remarked leaning back.

"Do you dislike it?" I asked.

"If your this eager, I'll leave the riding to you." He said proping up his head with his arm. The scale shaped bond tattoos were even more distinctive against his white skin.

"Ride?" The first thing that came to mind was horses. A look of confusion must have been written on my face.

"Ride this." He said. He dropped his hips and in one smooth motion I felt a mass of hard warm flesh rub between my legs

I lost my balance when wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me In tight against him. I found my balance by pushing away from his chest while he sat on the steps grinding between my lower lips.

"You havent lost that confidence yet, right? We haven't even started." His red slitted eyes were already partially closed and extreamly focused while looking down on me.

I loved that dazed intensity.

This was his affection that only I am able to experience. All I wanted was for him to look at me more. I didnt break eye contact when I reached between my legs and pushed him between my raised my hips. Then dropping my hips down on top of him, I slowely pushed him inside. The water rinsed off some of my natural lubrication so I felt every sensation of his entry all the way in.

This is a new experience. Being on top, well the first time experiencing being on top from my own point of view.

All I have to do is bounce up and down right?

I bounced in the water without a beat my only focus was to keep going up and down. Everytime I dropped down my breast slapped the water splashing it up onto my neck and face. The sound of splashing and breathing reverberated through the bath.

The tops of my feet and knees scraped against the rock that made up the steps. The feeling was distracting.

I felt hos claws rake up the soles of my feet. Cerastes grabbed my feet and lifted them. I fell forward onto his chest.

"Only the toes and the pads of your feet touch the floor." He said pressing my feet into the position he wanted them. "Use it as leverage when you rock."
I looked back and down at my feet, my whole leg no longer touched the floor and the tops of my feet werent scraping.

"Like this?" I said bouncing up and down on top of him.

He put both hands on my hips and pushed me away and pulled me back. Repeating the motion over and over. Back and forth.

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