90.) Here

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When Nina and Dina appeared I couldnt look at them. Maybe it was guilt or shame but I left the dinning room in a hurry.

I took the steps two at a time, racing up to our room and firmly closing the door behind me. I nearly tripped over a stack of mended blankets. Blankets that Vee had torn to shreds and I sewed them back together. You cant see people back together and I cant fix all of my sons mistakes.

I climbed up into bed still wearing only my towel and buried myself under the blankets. Closing my eyes.

I had fallen asleep but woke to the a presence in the bed. The presence was burrowing around in the bed tunneling under the blankets. In my suprize I flung off the blankets. A very suprized Vihar looked at me. I let out the breath I had been holding with a sigh.i looked around but Cerastes was no where to be seen.

"Vee what are you doing crawling under the blankets?" I aske him. He ignored me, his dark slitted eyes narrowed as he scanned the bed. Vihar squeaked loudly his wings fluttering slightly with excitement as he pounced on top of the pillow next to me. He reached out his little arms under it and pulled out a large flat tooth. He raised it above his head, holding it in both hands like a prize.
He rubbed it against his little brown cheek while his eyes seemed dazed.

"You are one weird kid." I told him with a sigh. I pulled him into my side and cradled him in the crook of my arm. I thought he might push my touch away but he was to preoccupied with gnawing on his treasure to care about his surroundings. "But your my weird kid." I whispered to him and kissed his forehead. Little swirls of hair on his forehead were developing bumps underneath the skin that would probably become horns as he got older.

This is a strange life i've come to lead. Iv never truly given him a gift now that I think about it. The clothes I made for him never truly fit for him to wear.

I was never very good at crafting toys, unless you included the little leaf boats my siblings and I raced down the river as kids. The balls made of wool I made always came out to lumpy to play with well. A waste of valuable material. Not that he was particularly deserving of a gift at this moment.

But if he had had more things to play with and keep his interest would this have happened? I shook the thought out of my head. The past is the past the present is now. I can only go forward.

"Come along." Cerastes said.

I sat up suprized that I hadnt heard him come in.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Not you." He said looking over me at Vihar. "You sleep in your den now." He switched languages. At this point In my head it translates without me realizing it.

"Your making him sleep by himself? His room is so far away." I complained.

Vihar did not complain in fact he seemed pleased about the situation. He sprung up and scampered down to the floor with a leap.

"He shreds the bedding in his sleep if I leave him in the bed it might be you instead of the sheets he digs his claws into. Besides hes big enough to use the hole on his own now." Cerastes explained.

I couldnt argue with that. He eats on his own, relieves himself on his own, and does in fact have very sharp claws. Cerastes puts alot of care into how he uses his claws, I imagine It took a long time not to slices things up by accident.

But still there was a sad feeling. My baby wont be sleeping next to me. "What if he gets lonely at night?" I said pitifully.

"He has a small horde of shiny things to keep him company." He answered with hesitation. "He will be fine."

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