3.) Three's a Crowd

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O'lan was right in his assumption that the male would be heavy. He could only inch his way towards the tent, grunting and groaning under the weight. He only hoped he wouldnt accidentally knock the whole thing over trying to get their new "guest" in.

"First the bandits! Then the farm! and we move ALL the way out here to avoid any trouble and LOOK! now I'm just carrying it in with my own two hands." O'lan muttered angrily with his lack of luck.

The tent was a keep sake from Thistles nomadic days. A tent is given to a child when they reach maturity and they keep it and add to it as they travel and grow older. Eventually it would become a large dwelling ment for a family.

But since O'lan and Thistle married relatively quickly after she reached maturity and she gave up her nomadic life, the tent was still of its original size (approximately 10x10). This was plenty of room for Thistle and an acceptable amount of space for O'lan.

But, this was not acceptable amount of space for both of them plus a lord.

First part of the dragonkins legs did not fit in the tent due to his over whelming height. He had to be layed in a fetal position to sort of fit. His wing span took up what little space was left in the tent.

His black wings were very broken. It didnt take a healer to know it. Thistle had busied herself sewing up wounds and ripping their only blanket to make bandages.

After talking about it, O'lan and Thistle figured the best thing for everyone was to try and loosely wrap the wings into a resting position. It wasnt easy to force them to closed, there were holes in them and Thistle wondered if he would wake with each stitch.

The males features were mesmerizing and terrifying.

Black horns pertruded from the hair line above his forhead, before curling back and then up. His skin was a medium brown, his black hair was pulled back in what used to be a tall pony tail decorated with silver brackets.

His features were sharp, his ears were long and pointed. Located higher than a humans ears. The fingers on his hands were also sharper than a humans, with what looked like claw tips on the ends.

He was dressed finely in tailored fit clothes but the clothes were tattered in some places and blood stained in others. O'lan felt a sence of dread, knowing a lord bled the same color as him seemed like forbidden knowledge.

Thistle found a small pack that was attached to the lords waist with the pack in the back just above the scaled black tail.

The dragons are all of a noble ruling class. They do on occasion fight eachother, in O'lans grandfather's time there had even been a war. But a fight between dragons was not something humans would be exposed to. Not directly. The dragons of Green mountain which ruled the territory were peaceful enough.

The couple began to wonder what really happened to this lord and hoped that they would not be caught up in it.
Outside the storm diminished and the moon returned.

At least the rain stopped O'lan thought.

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