33.) The Get to Know you part

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I followed Cerastes into the large room, bundled In what he referred to as a "towel".

"Time to eat." He said sitting at the table. This table was unusually tall. With only one chair.

There was one cup and two bowls on the table, they were larger than the serving bowls at home. In each bowl was several portions of chicken, and potatoes. 
Did...did he expect me to eat all of it?!? This was enough to feed me and three other people.

I stood there, dripping, and trying to find out where I was supposed to be in this situation.
"You need to eat." He reaffirmed, gesturing to the bowl.

He was not entirely dry himself. His hair was damp and he sat in this chair naked. Which reminded me of what we had just finished doing.

Calm down.

"Umm where should I sit?" I asked.
He looked around as if noticing for the first time, the lack of chairs. Then as if finding an answer scooted the chair back, It made a scuffling sound. Turning the chair at an angle.

He then gestured to his knee. I felt my cheeks flush. I cleared my throat. I walked between his legs and tried to jump back a little to get on his knee. The blanket, did not stay in its position and exposed my top half.

I tried to tuck it under my arm pits so it would keep covering me. Cerastes didnt seem to care one way or the other.

Nudity must be a normal thing for dragonkin. I nodded to myself.

Now there was a new problem. There was only one spoon and fork. Do I wait to eat OR do I make a poor impression and use my hands to eat. Eating messily might disgust him. I could stop being an anxious mess and ask him for a spoon like a normal person.

"Do you have any more utensils." I asked. 

"It cant be helped." He replied.

I didnt know how to respond to that.

"Open." He said taking the spoon in his hand.

"Open whaaa" I tried to reply, but my mouth was filled with potatoes. I put my hand over my mouth and coughed a little. Trying to chew without coughing up the contents. Turning my face away from him and the food.

Cerastes would take a couple bites while I chewed, then he would feed me another bite.
Half way into the first bowl, I was full and refused the spoonful when he raised it to my mouth.

"Will you pass the drink." I asked pointing to the cup, then holding my hands out to receive it. He looked at the cup closely. Before picking it up and holding it to my mouth.

"I can hold it myself." I said with indignation.

"Your to clumsy." He shook his head in refusal.

"I'm an adult I can hold a cup!" I said putting my hands over his hands on the cup.

He thought about it. Then smiled.

"I'll let you hold it, but if you spill you have to clean it up."

"That's not a pro."

"With your mouth." He interupted.

His intention dawned on me.

I was in his lap. If I spilled it would end up in on of two places. On my blanket bundled self or in his lap.

I took a deep breath and let go of the cup dramatically.

"You can hold the cup." I said holding my arms up in surrender.

The towel fell down to my waist again. It's fine. Why should I care at this point.

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