86.) Disfunction.

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The banquet I had expected was actually dinner in the high lords dinning room. It eased some of the anxiety. The red cover had been difficult to move in but now that I was going into a room without it i felt naked. Only the heads of each clan were invited to this dinner. Cerastes made me walk infront of him as we entered the empty room, the order we walked in is apparently important. I had to take bigger quick steps to enter first and he smaller slower steps. It seemed silly in my mind.

"Stay against the wall." He said, gesturing to the wall with a nod.

I complied. He stood infront of me by several paces Vee in his arms. His sheer size hid me from view, a giant guard protecting me. His brothers stood at his side forming a line from tallest to shortest. Him being the shortest of the three.

I took a big breath and was swarmed by the smells of different kinds of meat. The Incense coming from Talon was so thick I might choke on it. If it was this strong to my nose Cerastes must be struggling. I turned my head into my shoulder to escape the assault on my nose. I took in a wiff of my clothes the flower bath still clung to my skin. When my head was stilled turned to the side I saw several servants standing against the wall as if they were made of it. Their clothes were brown and eyes down cast.

All of us are humans, standing against the same wall but our positions are completely different.

The caretakers words came back to me. Dragons step on all of us differently.

But I'm not being stepped on. I tired to hide my agitation.

A shuffling sound broke through my thoughts. The sound of claws and feet stamping heavily on the floor, the guests had arrived.
But why are they so loud?

The men here walked almost silently.

The guests took their places at the table, the first to enter sat the farthest from the heads seat. An unspoken seating arrangement.

Why does it matter who enters last?

Isnt it better to be first? The high lord ate first at the last meal.

Kids at home often raced eachother to be first for every and any reason: Who got the best seat, who got to play with the best toy first, and even to brag about who was the fastest.

But here the most important person enters last. The guests waited patiently without talking.
Does he keep others waiting because he can? It seemed improper not to greet guests right away. As if he heard my thoughts, the high lord of Green Mountain entered. Glimmering as always.

He greeted each person by title and name without sitting down.

He snapped his tail on the floor. The servants began moving large steaming platters of food and goblets in from another room.

"High lord of Green mountain." A male from the middle of the table addressed him. "It seems there is a lack of chairs." He said cooly from his seat.

There were in fact 5 empty seats, four of them at the end of the table and the empty seat at the head.

"Yes", another agreed. "High Lord Sonoran is correct, it seems to be a place setting missing." High lord Tambora agreed. It was hard to forget him when his blue coloring was so eye catching, and his horns so unusual.

Seven pairs of expectant eyes looked at the high lord of the green mountain from their seats.

"The place settings are all accounted for." High lord Kavern disagreed taking his seat.

There was a feeling of displeasure ripple through the room.

"Brother." The high lady Kanyon of the Rocky Mountain ridge territory stated. "I speak for all of us when I say we were expecting a formal introduction this meal." Her words were kind, but her tone was sharp. She hadnt even checked the other faces at the table before she made her statement.

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