39.) Dont Lose Your Head

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The sound of coughing. I poked my head around the back of the chair to look at the attendant behind me. she was doing her best to muffle the sound.

Then I remembered what Cerastes said about the attendants feeling uncomfortable and snapped back to look at my plate.

"While we're in public you need to be more formal. my lord or lord Cerastes is acceptable nomenclature. Dont do anything to draw unnecessary attention to yourself."

I nodded.

He shoveled the contents of his plate into his mouth and I did my best to copy him.

Cerastes's chair made a scuffling sound as he stood up.

"I'm going out to finish up my work. Marrow, will show you to the carriage." He gestured to the wall on the other side of the table.

Marrow stepped out from behind another decorative wall blanket. I hadnt even noticed his presence. He had blond hair chopped off at the shoulders and a clefted chin.

Marrow wore the same dark outfit with silver thread. But he was already wearing the white cloak.

I slide out of my chair and picked up my blanket roll.

"Alright I'm ready." I said straightening the uniform.

He patted the top of my head with a white clawed hand as he strode past.
Marrow stepped infront of me and gestered to the door with his arm.

"This way." Marrow announced.

Keeping up with Marrow was just as difficult as keeping up with Cerastes. He was only slightly taller than I, why does he move like that. He moved with determination.

"Are you comming with us?" I asked Marrow.

"Yes." He replied curtly. He opened the large wooden doors. The light exposure momentarily blinded me.

"Ahh." I said using the blanket as a shield for my face.

"The carriage is ready." Marrow said waiting for me to cross the threshold. This is a carriage?
It easily put the simple wooden wagons to shame and the horses were humongous. They made the horses we rode on the way here seem like babies.

They were mostly black with white spots on their foreheads and around their hooves.
How much do they have to eat!

The carriage had distracted me to the number of people gathering in the streets. A bell began ringing. I hurried to get to the carriage, Marrow opened the door and I climbed inside.

The seat cushions were made of padded leather but softer than sitting on bare wood. There was some scratches on them I assume from clawes or scales rubbing against the covers over time.

The crowd began to pack in around a raised platform. I could see large cages with people in them.

Marrow closed the door behind me.

There was coverings over the windows. I pushed them aside to continue watching the festivities.
Is he going to give a speech like father used to?

The people in cages were led out in a line by soldiers with bright white capes. I could tell Cerastes was speaking because his mouth was moving but I couldnt hear him in the carriage.

Cerastes walked up to the first person from behind and put two hands on each side of his face. With a sudden twist, he snapped the man's neck all the way around. The body fell limp on the wooden platform.

I gasped letting out a shrill shreak and back away from the window.
There was cheering from the crowd. As if they were happy to see the sight. I dont know why it bothered me as much as it did.

I knew that many of my siblings and cousins had killed people before but it was always out of self defense. The spirit of breath that resides in all living creatures must be respected. How could Cerastes who was so blessed do this.

I sat on one side of the carriage seats. The they were tall to the point my feet didnt touch the floor. I was so upset that I felt sick to my stomach.
Every time I heard a new round of cheering I felt a tremble up my spine. I just wanted this day to be over already. It was still early in the day and I felt fatigued, drained of energy.
I slouched against the wall to my right and rested my head against the window covering.

The door suddenly opened abruptly causing my body to straighten up, alert.
Cerastes ducked through the doorway. The carriage jostled slightly under his weight as he stepped in.

He sat on the side opposite to me but I tried my best not to look at him. I wasnt sure how to talk to him after seeing what I just saw.

The door was shut.

Cerastes made sure all of the windows were covered tightly before getting comfortable and stretching his legs to be propped up on my side of the chair, like a foot rest.

Cerastes knocked on the roof twice and the carriage started moving with a jolt. The inside of the carriage was dimly lit. The window covers blocked out nearly all of the light. Only a slight light was emitted around the edges of the coverings like a halo.

My eyes quickly adjusted to the low light. Cerastes rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hands in circular motions and sighed loudly.

The drained feeling had increased with his presence. Which meant it wasnt comming from me. I felt repulsed by his killing without reason, but worried because he obviously wasnt feeling well. A conflicted emotion to say the least.

The carriage was quiet.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"What's this? Concern?" Cerastes said with a mocking tone. He opened one red eye that seemed to reflect the low light. His voice rumbled low like gravel. "Your moods are infuriating."


"I almost hesitated finishing my work because of your ...disgust." he said, his face contorted into a snarl. "You are going to be with me for the rest of your life. That entails a certain amount of restrictions."

"You mean...rules?" I asked.

"Yes, rules." Cerastes agreed.  "You must control your emotions, I cannot afford to look weak in front of others, and my family cannot under any circumstances know that you exist."

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