79.5) Desperation

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(POV change)

<Shadow guild>

"Are you sure this information is accurate?" Council leader I'ra asked, his body shrouded in a black cape and mask.

"The message came from the Desert Council leader himself." D'jin answered.

"Its not like Effron to put his emblem on just any message. The man might be short and cowardly but he wouldn't put his mark on something he didnt know to be true." I'ra grumbled. "I'm surprised the message made it past the border with the heightened security."

"How is it even possible." D'jin wondered. "I thought they had given up human trials when the high lords brother left. I dont know how they managed to conceive a child."

"I knew there was something wrong with that Villiage, we failed to wipe all of them out and now this?! Centuries of our predecessors slow and carefull poisoning them to extinction wasted!"

"Theres only the one woman, it would be easy enough to get rid of her." D'jin  offered.

"If they made one woman what's to prevent them from making more?" I'ra took a long drink from his flask. "And why didnt we hear of this from our own on the inside? This happened in our territory we should have been the first to know!"

"I havent recieved any updates from them in months." D'jin shook his head. The gray in his hair was more pronounced with each day. Little by little his once dark hair was growing in grayer than his eyes.

"I'll station a few off the secret tunnel, if I send them tonight, the team should be able to get there before the guests arrive. We have to get this situation under control before this new method spreads to the other clans. We cant chance a revival when we've come this close to wiping them out!"

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