44.) Asking for Attention

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I was squealing in my head.

I had no idea how much of what I felt transferred over to him but I hoped it was none.

When I had planned to seduce Cerastes before, the me in my mind was sexy, calm, and confident.

In this moment, I being half way into a stiff ridiculous pose, naked, and beaming like an idiot,  realized I was NONE of those things.

The sexy me in my mind planned to say something like.

Just getting more comfortable
what does it look like?

But what actually came out of my mouth was.
"What is getting comfortable look like?"

He closed his eyes shut tightly and rubbed his temples.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! The desire to smash my open hand into my forehead was nearly impossible to resist. Just grin and bear with it.

"I know...I'm going to regret asking this."
Cerastes said with a sigh.
"But what possible reason in YOUr nonsensical human brain, could have possessed you to undress at this time?"

Being the brilliant genius I am, I said the first thing that came to mind.

"SUPrizzzze..." my words trailed of with his look of disapproval.

He moved his legs off my side of the seat as if he wanted to be as far from me as possible.

"Return the clothes to your person." He said coldly. He interlaced his fingers and held them to his forehead. His elbows resting on his thighs.

He IS avoiding me. I felt dejected.

I tried to dress quickly but my fingers didnt move the way I wanted them to. I'm not a sensitive person but tears were already threatening to fall. I blinked rapidly to try to clear them.

Fully dressed, I hopped back up on to my seat and pulled my knees up. I leaned my side against the cushy seat backing while my back was to the covered windows. I stared at the door wishing I wasnt in this situation. I didnt want to look at him. 

The more I tried to keep my feelings in check the more they bubbled to the surface. The imaginary argument raging in my mind wouldnt stop.

I was embarrassed, then frustrated, then so angry that my nails dug into my palms. I was already vulnerable and fragile from the tramatic events of the past week. This was just another log on the fire.

Am I the only one trying in this relationship? Why look for a bond in the first place, if your going to ignore them?

"I thought we agreed that you would keep your feeling under control." Cerastes was nearly growling between clenched teeth.

That's what did it. There were to many layers of pains stacked on top of eachother.

I snapped.

"WELL THEn MAYYYBE You! SHOULD HAVE SEARCHED for a WoMan who DIDNT HaVe FEELINGs!" I whispered venomously.

"Did you. just talk back. to me?" He gritted in a steely tone.

"Should I have shouted?" I asked losing control of the volume in my voice.

"I have been exceedingly patient with you." He began

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