42.) Frustration

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I swear I'm not a pervert but im starting to think my husbands avoiding me. I cant put my finger on the exact problem but I know it's there.

At night he made sure I was fed but did not put me on his lap. When we slept in the tent I took my uniform off to sleep. I slept in my underthings.

An act that took alot of courage on my part!

but the uniform was the first gift Cerastes had ever given me I wanted him to see I was taking care of it with proper respect and It's not like I had a spare outfit or night clothes with me.

I'm not saying that I was expecting him to..favor me but then he rolled me, in my own blanket, and slept without his arm covering me!

We may have not been bonded for long but I had come to expect a certain amount of affection.

Was it the blinking? Did it freak him out?

The next day, we were served a morning meal and then set out. I tried to take make the first move and sit next to him in the carriage, but when he saw me sitting on his usual side he just sat opposite to me instead.

He must know how frustrated I am, why doesnt he say anything.

Is it because I dont have a tail? Or my legs are unappealing to him?

He seemed interested in me when we left but he was acting so distant now. Usually when the new couples come home, it is taboo to visit the new familys residence for a week after the celebration. The rule came about to prevent any... interruptions.

A new couple needed 'bonding time'.

Cerastes and I spent an evening 'Bonding' and the rest traveling.

That's it!
The lack of 'bonding time' was throwing a kink in our relationship. I nodded to myself.

I need to build a good foundation with my husband, the first few months could determine the tone of our relationship. If we dont build a strong connection now it might cause problems later. I dont even know how long we're going to be traveling and this carriage ride could go on for weeks. At least riding in the dark carriage was preferable to running.

I'll try tonight, I thought with determination. Or at least that is what i had planned.

I had expected to try to seduce my husband before bed but instead he skipped the evening meal and informed me that he was going hunting. No conversation! Just "I'm going hunting, Marrow guard the woman." And then he left!

The rest of the procession camped slightly farther ahead. While Cerastes was gone. Marrow was in charge. I had begun to recognize some of the faces in our group had been part of the group we had left Pyros with. The embarrassment of the catipillar carry came flooding back to me and I took that as a sign I should bury myself in the tent.

I stayed up later than I should have, feeling agitated and restless. It's not like I particularly wanted to be intimate outside with soldiers around but I had spent the whole day mentally preparing for it.
Now it's just wasted energy.

For sure tomorrow I'll seduce my husband! Didnt he say before that all I had to do was ask?
Buuut it had been two days since I had washed properly and tomorrow would be a third day. Was it my smell?!?

Dragonkin have heightened speed, strength, and senses. It wouldnt be suprising if I smelled bad to him.

Does Cerastes sweat? He didnt after running while carrying me that whole time, not that I noticed. But he took a bath after the run. Was it so he wouldnt have to smell me?

My thoughts were in a tangle and I doubt Marrow would let me jot off for a splash in the nearest watering hole.

I sighed loudly.

I should just ask him outright.

Just another thing to add to the pile of things that I want to talk to him about. You would thing a long journey in a secluded confines space would have given us ample time to get to know eachother but he just sleeps constantly, is it a dragon thing or a Cerastes thing. Will he just ignore my questions again?

Whatever happeneds or doesnt happen all of it will have to wait till tomorrow. I should just sleep.

When I woke up Cerastes was already in the carriage. Why was my life becoming intervals of eating and sleeping. I felt so unproductive. Without purpose.

I combed my long brown hair with my fingers before loosely braiding it and tucking it in to my hood.

I ate the bread that was given to me. Drank the water I was provided. Complied with Marrow following me to a sparsely wooded area to relive myself, it had started to become a routine.
I hadnt noticed that there were unfinished houses along the side of the well worn road.

They looked like houses without walls, only a roof supported by beams.
"Marrow what are those for?" I asked pointing at the structure.

He looked in the direction I pointed out. "The pavilions? There for bad weather. They're used to protect the horses, product, the soldiers. All of it."

"Do you camp in the same place every trip?" I asked cutiously, happy my questions were being answered and that someone was talking to me.

"Yes it's the same route each trip." He replied.

"How much longer till the trip is over?" I pressed.

"A couple more days and we will reach our destination. Now please get in the carriage." He said gesturing to the door.

"All right. Thank you." I said before climbing in.

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