68.) Claws Deep

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****authors note, dragonkin language will be denotated in italic.

Panic set in. I was being carried in a blanket, similiar to sweet potatoes in a sack.
An internal struggle coupled with an external as thoughts burst in my head.

Some primal, the desire to escape. To fight and run.

Some maternal, the fear that if I did act on my urges and attempt to escape I and the child would be killed.

Theres no way I could out run him. No chance I could hide. No possible chance to fight him and win. Cerastes cant win against him. What is going to happen to me, to us. I wrapped my hands around my legs and tucked my head into my knees, as I swung lightly back and forth inside the blankets.

I could tell we were moving quickly. This was not my first time being carried a long distance inside a blanket. Eternity was passing slowly. Seconds felt like an hour, minutes became days.

Outside the blanket it grew brighter, and noiser. The steps of human feet seemed loud in comparison to the quiet steps I had grown accustomed to.

Then we stopped moving. I hung suspended in my warm cage of fabric.   I tried to steady my breathing as my heart pounded in my chest. The thought that I was becoming more stressed only increased its level. Stress is bad for the baby. It wont matter if I get eaten. I need to calm down but I dont know where I am. I dont know where Cerastes is but I want him with me. another part hopes he doesnt.

It sounded almost like growling. Chopped syllables pulled along by hissing. The language of the dragonkin made the hair on my arms rise. I couldnt understand a word but my senses said I was in danger.

I was placed on the floor and the blanket fell away. It was night but this room was lit to the point I would have thought It was day. I squinted my eyes unused to the brightness.
"This is what could not wait till morning!" The high lord said angrily on his throne.

"I had gone to Pyros' wing for research purposes when I smelled something unprecedented In Cerastes's den." Dante explained.

"You woke me for this pet." The high lord said in a low growl.

"You will understand if you smell her."  Dante said unwavering, all of his teeth gleamed when he smiled.

Recognizing the female on the floor Talon exclaimed. "That bastard stole it,I knew I didnt make her up!"

Dante growled a warning at the outburst causing Talon to stand back in the standing position. He eyed the female on the ground greedily.

"This female is in a brooding phase."  Dante proclaimed. He splayed his wings and propelled the air forward to his father. The look of disdain slowly left the high lords face and was replaced by disbelief. "This isnt possible."
The high lord Kaverns pitch black eyes bore down onto the female with a piercing stare.

At that most Cerastes entered the room and all eyes turned to meet him. The tension built with a thick aura. 

"Cerastes. Dante has made an unusual find in your den this night. What by all accounts seems to be a human to my eyes carries the smell of a brooding dragoness." High lord said standing from his chair. "I'll have you explain this oddity."

Cerastes found Rowan sitting on a blanket infront of his father, held in one spot. She wore a dress that exposed her shoulders and knees.

Cerastes who had frozen in place, moved with steady steps towards the others.
"I'll answer any questions but first i ask to be allowed to return her to my den." Desperation crept into his voice.

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