93.) In the Walls

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I floated in the bath, wallowing in self misery. The bath was cold but if felt good on my swollen eyes. I hadn't seen Vee since yesterday but most of my time away from him had been spent trying to break down the front door. The heavy thing wouldn't budge, kicking it and punching it did nothing. My attempt at burning it down didn't even singe it.

There was a landing that lead outside but the doorway was sealed by a layer of impenetrable air. Even if I had managed to get outside how was I going to climb the side of the mountain and find the high lords living space break in and take back Vihar? I sighed heavily and dipped below the surface.

I wanted my son. 

I swam to the edge of the pool and climbed out of the bath. My wet hair  dripped heavily on to the stone floor. Taking slow sluggish steps  up the stairs to Vee's room. Without drying off I plopped heavily into his bed. The bedding smelled like him. The bed was wet where I laid down but it would dry eventually and I was beyond caring. I rolled around untill I had myself into the blankets tightly, almost like a hug. I just wanted to see Vee even if it was just for a little while.

How do I find the good in this situation?

My whole body ached. How did I not see it? No, maybe I didn't want to see it. I made excuses for him time after time. Justified every action, believing that the things he did for me was how he showed his love instead of words. I looked at the white tattoo on my wrist. It had grown up to cover part of my shoulder, a clear indication of my growing connection to him. It was a sign of a healthy relationship. Did Cerastes tattoo ever grow? I began to think back to the last time I saw him topless but then shook my head to shake out the thought. I wasnt ready to process all of that.

Is he watching me now, I wondered. Probably not. Town was a big distance   from here. The Villiage to town was a shorter distance than, the mountain to town. Even my second eldest brother Spruce had trouble connecting to his wife Senia when he went to town and they had been bonded for decades.

Bonding isnt an easy path. That's part of the reason many if my siblings had waited so long before deciding to take the trip. Forever is a long time to be tied to someone, you needed to be sure of who you were asking for. Ha I laughed out loud, I never asked for Cerastes. He sought me out. If our roles had been reversed would he have been the one I found?

But now we were binded together and there was no means of escape. With this on my arm wouldnt he be able to find me? No one ever seperated to know that answer. Even if there was a way out of the mountain where would I go? Theres no home to go back to, no goats to make money off of, and no one on my side to help me.

The tunnels!

The epiphany hit me like lightning. I sat up out of Vihars bed still wrapped up in a bedding cocoon. It was probably the one way to get out of this house! Ah wait, my mood deflated. What if I end up in the wrong place again... last time was a bit dangerous. I'd need a guide and luckily I knew just the man for the job. I threw the blankets off and ran to my room to dress.

"Caretaker." I yelled through the whole in the dinning room wall.

None of the maids had been in our house since Cerastes and Vee left but hopefully the caretaker was still around. I remembered that his room before had been somewhere in the tunnels of Lord Pyros's house. Maybe there was also a room for him in the tunnels of this house?

"Caretaker!" I yelled more loudly with my head in the hole. "Are you in there?"

If he doesnt come out wont I have to go look for him so I can go visit Vee? I'll need something to light the way and Cerastes took Vee without taking any of his stuff. I should pack Vees favorite things so he has them. He must be really confused about everything, hes never gone a day without seeing me and now hes not even able to sleep in his own bed.

I had put on the guards outfit that Cerastes had first given me. The all black attire would be good for sneaking and even if I did get seen maybe that would believe I was a guard. Marrow had also been known to run around behind the walls.

What do I need? What do I bring? I thought.

It was cold behind the walls. I'll bring my blanket since it's the smallest one.
I made a clicking sound with my mouth as I thought walking over to Vee's room. He will surely need some clothes although they are probably just letting him run around naked. his favorite bone has to come and he likes these shineys lately. I picked up the pieces.

If the caretaker shows me the way to Vee today I'll be able to go by myself starting tomorrow. At least then I could see him everyday.

I heard a knocking and turned around.

"Caretaker!" I said, suprized to see him in Vihars bedroom doorway.

"The miss called?" He asked.

I nodded my head.
"I need you to help me get to the high lords house to see my son." I replied.

"Sch sch sch." He laughed. "Yes. I hear the miss was stepped on."

My mood plummeted.

"This caretaker tried to warn the miss." He emphasized. "Dragons is cold blooded, not people."

"Are you going to help me see my son or not?" I asked.

"See?" The caretaker asked.

"I want to see him, if you take me there and back today I wont ask you to do it tomorrow." I told him.

"See not take?" The Caretaker had a weird look on his face and scratched his balding head.

"Its not like I dont want to bring him back here." I said dejectedly.

Caretaker shook his head in disagreement.

"This caretaker would help the miss and little to leave the mountain." He told me.

I scoffed.

"Where would we go? The dragons own everything they will come to get him for sure." I argued.

"They wont ever find the miss and little. Caretaker knows people who will help to escape." He said in broken words.

"If you knew the way out why havent you left? Why would you want to help us anyway?" I asked skeptically.

The caretaker was quiet.

"This Caretaker didnt come to the mountain alone. How can he leave alone?" He said cryptically. "Dragons steal everything. This time caretaker will do the taking."

He wanted revenge and he wants to get it by helping us leave.

Now would be the best time. Cerastes would be to far to see or feel what I'm doing and he was already blocking me when he left. If I were to escape now would be the best time. There was still the other three men to deal with but I didn't want to be here when Cerastes came back.

"Alright, let's do it. Let's escape." I agreed.

Caretaker flashed a toothy grin at my answer.

"The miss made a good choice. Pack light, this caretaker will go and make the arrangements. Be before
dawn." He said leaving.

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