84.) Guest

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I was surprised by the action but felt no need to interfere. I had a strange since of familiarity.
We drank water from the deepest part of our cave to induct new family members, drinking blood was just the newest odd thing from my husbands side. This was normal here and I had adapt. She held the child as if she didnt want to let go, she spent more time with him than the others had, but no one admonished her. With hesitancy she handed him back to Cerastes and returned to her place among the crowd.

After that the Greetings were uneventful.

Males came to judge and went away after giving a little bit of blood to the goblet. When every group had given Dante ushered them to the next room where food and drinks had been prepared. My sight returned to normal. Without having to see through Cerastes's eyes, I could sense that a few of the party lingered. The hair on the back of my neck stood up when they were casting glances in our direction. To my relief they continued walking into the next room. Cerastes walked to the high lord and passed Vihar up to him. He fed the child from the goblet, not caring when the sound of sharp teeth grated against the hard crystal surface.  High lord Kavern was very carefull to not waste even a single drop.

"We can return to the wing now." Cerastes said helping me to stand.

"What about the party?" I whispered trying not to speak to loudly so close to his father.

"The high lord and the 1st and 2nd lords are in charge of it." He said in a normal voice.

"They arient going to think were rude for skipping out?" I worried.

" The parents and offspring dont usually attend the banquet on the first night."

I nodded knowing he could probably feel my relief.

"And Vee?" I squinted looking through the covering

"I'll get him when hes finished eating. Tonight will be difficult."

There was a moment of silence as we waited. The sounds of slurping qnd light tapping sounds drew my focus away from the dull roar of people chattering in the next room.

"Take him." The high lord said holding out the child. Cerastes was quick to comply. "Iv already sent a gift over for the night care."

"This third offspring is thankful for the high lords consideration." Cerastes replied, holding the drowsy child in his arms, he appeared almost drunk off of the blood.

The high lord walked to the door and servants opened it for him. The noise of chatting and eating and drinking spilled loudly into our area untill the doors closed after him again.

The walk back to the room was slow. I was still covered from head to toe in the heavy red outer wear. When we finally arrived in the wing I collapsed from joy. But also because my legs were jittery from the anxiety of the festivities. The maids began to dismantle my outfit. When the headdress came off I took a deep breath of cool fresh air.

"I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest for awhile there." I sighed laying on the floor.

"You did well, given the circumstances." He agreed.

"Thanks for calming down back there, I almost made a run for it."  I said lying on my back nearly being crushed under the red fabric.

"You wouldnt have made it out of the chair." He chuckled.

"The outfit is a hindrance." I did a little wiggle.

Finally I was free!
I stood up feeling sweaty and twenty pounds lighter.

"I need to take a bath and eat something." I said aloud.

"We'll be having our meal in the bath." Cerastes said. Nina, Dina, and Zin moved the dress and accessories away as the three of us headed to the bath. 

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