31.) Bathing Together!?

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My mind became blank.

He wasnt planning on doing anything?!?

He had probably been running for over an hour. Now that I'm thinking about it, hes not even breathing hard. Does he not get tired, What kind of stamina is that!?!

More importantly is he teasing or had I been the only one having this kind of thought.

It's normal to expected to be intimate with your spouse!
I'm not a pervert for thinking about it!

Cerastes clicked his claws against the stone rim around the pool.

I just have to get past the awkward part and the rest will be easy peasy.

I peeled off the dress and underclothes. I'm sure my face was the same color as the rug in the next room.

Deep breaths!

I walked to the edge of the pool, across from where Cerastes was sitting and dropped in. I immediatly went under! It was deeper than what I had expected. My feet didnt touch the bottom. I began thrashing to the surface when a clawed hand pulled me above the water.

I clung to his arm then his neck, sputtering out some of the water that went up my nose. Taking loud gasping breaths. He carried me back to the far edge and sat down.

"How did you survive this long?" He asked with a puzzled expression. He rubbed the side of his face with his hand.

The mood was gone.
I became aware that my legs were wrapped under his rib cage  and loosened them. I felt around with my foot for the ledge, before Cerastes moved me to sit on his left leg.

"Dont fall off its deep." He warned sternly. As if I was a small child that had gone to close to the rivers edge. I rolled my eyes, now he tells me.

He began lathering an odd soap into his hair, and then a wet hand towel was lathered. When he was done he placed the brown bar in my hand. It was scratchy like sand but smelled sweet. I had an urge to lick it but refrained.

While Cerastes wiped his white skin with the towel, I lathered the soap into my hair. I handed him the bar back and tried to dip my hair into the water to rinse it.

He stood up and placed me on the ledge and dunked his whole body under the water. No longer having to balance on one leg, I crouched on the ledge and rinsed off.

Cerastes had left the wet towel on the rim of the bath. I picked it up and began washing my arm with it. When a clawed hand pulled it out of my grasp.

I looked at Cerastes in confusion. The water came up to the top of his rib cage. His chest was muscled, without hair or nipples. Thats unexpected, I guess I had been doing my very best not to look at him naked that I hadnt noticed.
  I realized I was staring and returned my eyes to his face.

His shoulder length white hair was wet. It made the horns and pointed ears look more pronounced. He wore an expression I hadnt seen on him yet.
Eyes half closed and lips slightly parted.

"Turn around." He ordered quietly, with his hand still holding the rag he gestured with one clawed finger in a circle.

My face was warm as i turned my back to him, kneeling on the sitting ledge. Placing my arms on the rim for stability.

I felt the rag on my back with strong deliberate circles, every place he touched seemed unnaturally sensitive.

Then he moved lower and my shoulders stiffened. He gripped one of my hips and used the base of his palm to rub between my legs.

"I did promise to make time for you." He said in a low voice.

He gripped one hand on the rim of the pool while the other was on my hip. I felt his chest on my back. His left knee spread my legs farther apart from behind. Once he was settled on the ledge he moved his hand from my hip. I felt his touch grazing the inside of my legs looking for an opening.

When he touched the right place I stiffened. Then with one smooth stroke he thrusted into me, using his hand as a guide. He let out a sigh. His hand returned to my hip.

Water splashed out of the pool with every thrust. 

The pounding pressure was a little uncomfortable but not painful. Comparatively my knees and forearms were having trouble holding themselves in place, as I was jerked back in forth. I tried to muffle the sounds of my short gasps.

As the thrusts kept comming in rythm, Cerastes made a low growling sound. The rumble in his voice washed through my skin like a wave, causing goosebumps to rise. I felt his claws digging into my hip.

His thrusts became faster. I was sure my legs would give out soon.

Water splashed in my face. It spilled out on to floor, the splashing sound and growls filled the room.

I had forgotten to control the volume of my voice but each stroke pushed out another sound. My breathing became ragged and erratic.

"Aihha!" Did he just bite me!

My shoulder felt the sharp pain of teeth and at the same time my hips hurt from the claws scratching.

I felt my eyes unfocus and my vision change for an instant. My new bond shuddered with a final thrust. For a moment we sat pinned together panting.

I felt relieved to be able to catch my breath. My entire body relaxed. The teeth and claws retracted. Cerastes tongue lightly licked at the bite before I felt his body move away.

I layed my head on top of my arms.

Water sloshed as he climbed out of the pool. The water level fell and pulled me with it. I rolled my head to look in his direction as he stretched. He was so tall.

He pulled a couple of towels out of a shelf built in to the wall.

I hadnt even noticed it, but my mind had been preoccupied with other things.

My legs felt like I had spent the evening riding a horse, rather than well... being ridden. Ah! why do these things come into my head?!?
I shook my head to shake out the thoughts.

That wasnt as difficult as I thought it would be. Less messy than what i was told to expect. It helped that we were in water. My knees were probably bruised but it wasnt painful.

"Come out." Cerastes said dropping the towel next to my head.

Grumbling, I didnt want to move. My wet body rolled on the floor. The rocks beneath me were wet and uncomfortably hot from the fireplace. I was naked and sore.

I grabbed the thick towel to unfold it but the fabric seemed never ending. Parts of it were wer from being on the floor.

I thought it was a towel but now I'm sure this is just a blanket. I dried off to the best of my ability but my hair was still dripping
it's not like I could wrap the blanket around my head, so I continued to drip.

I wrapped a section between my legs just incase I was still...dripping down there.

After standing up, I wobbled around the pool to Cerastes. My bond had dropped the blanket/ towel on the floor and walked to the door. looking back to check that I was following.

Being wrapped like this reminded me of how I was wrapped up after swimming in the river as a kid. I followed him while wearing the blanket over my head and wrapped around my body.

He looked at my wrapped body and snickered before walking through the door.

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