78.) The Storm

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Gifts started arriving after a week. It wasnt just from the clan on the northern border but from several clans.

Cerastes was already in a bad mood when he plucked the paper letter from atop the small mountain of gleaming cloth, each bolt was wrapped around a thin pole in thick rolls.  What was written I didnt know but it seemed like words on paper were just for bad news, since they always put him in a bad mood.

"What does it say?" I asked peeking at him from the corner of my eye as I walked behind our crawling child. Vihar dipped from side to side, his black wings occasionally hitting the floor with a smacking sound and his black tail whirling about when he tried to right himself.

"Desert Clan desires to reforge its connection with the Green Mountain clan. More treasures will come when we are next invited." He read aloud before dropping the paper on the floor and while scowling.

"Is recieving the gift a bad thing?" I said crouching to the ground as I watched Vihars progress.

He grumbled as he came to our place on the floor and sat down. He lightly pushed me from my crouch so I tipped over onto my butt.

"Dont crouch in a dragons presence." He said angling his head to the side. "You will teach Vihar aggresive behavior."

I crossed my legs.
"Dont knock me over, YOU will teach Vihar bad behavior." I gestured to our son with my mouth while I scolded my husband.

"Now what was the bad news? They shared cloth with us and said they would bring us more. In my mothers family they would show their wealth by giving to those who had less, are they looking down on us by sending them? I rested my chin on my hand, my arm propped up on my legs.

Cerastes tapped his claws on the floor making quick tapping sounds. He wore his work uniform, more out of habit than necessity.
"We have not officially announced Vihars existence, which is why this gift was not addressed to anyone specifically. Prying about the details of a birth before the announcement is rude. So they are attempting to avoid the taboo by sending a gift to the  Green Mountain clan and requesting to reforge our relations that had crumbled. The high lord sent part of the gift to us because the intention was obvious."

"They are bribing us so we will let them come see the baby before the announcement." I snapped my fingers figuring out the intention.

"Not quiet. They arient only bribing us to judge Vihars appearance. They are also attempting to arrange a visit to their clan from the dragoness who layed a successful hatchling." He said pointing to me. "The Green Mountain clan is a female less. A clan without mated males makes having a hatchling all the more unexpected. That kind of information is sure to spread like fire in a drought."

"Cant you send them a letter? Tell them I'm already your mate, I remember what you said about what visits are and I wont be visiting them." I shook my head vehemently.

"Dont worry you are already mine and the high lord wouldnt do anything to jeopardize Vihars health, you are safe. I only hope we can stall the formal celebration long enough for Vihar to grow some teeth." He said plucking up the crawling child and lifting him in the air. Vihar flapped his black wings instinctively, making an angry squeaking sound.

Cerastes and Vihars heads turned to look at the door, before the knock came. A human attendant opened the door and stepped to the side allowing Dante to walk through without touching the door handle.

"Father demands you come to feed st his table." Dante ordered. Today he wore robes that dipped past his brown hands and grazed the floor when he walked. Dark red designs swirled and dipped over the fabric like vines. He wore his long black hair loose.

Dragons Are Demanding (Book 1)Completeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें