9.) The Road Not Taken

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After the packing was finished Spruce and the others left for town

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After the packing was finished Spruce and the others left for town. With the wagons, stopping to eat, and bathroom breaks it would take at least three days to get to greenview. Then they would need to sell everything in the wagons. Then go searching. Resupply and then come home.

That was the plan.

"I hope it goes well for them." I murmered to my father.

"Nothing bad will happen since Spruce is with them. He was the reason for at least a third of the rules, he wont let them learn things the hard way." O'lan reassured putting an arm around  me and squeezing before walking away.

My mind began to to run wild, thinking about the trip, I'm sure father was doing the same. There were so many things that can go wrong.

What if the person they are looking for is farther away or doesnt exist at all?  Maybe what they look for in a partner wont be what they really needed.

I walked back to the fluff pen and got out my sheers to finish up the rest of the heard if I worked all day I might get most of them cut but that depends on how stubborn they are.

I pulled out a log that I used as a chair and grabbed one of the goats by the horns to pull her to the fence and tied her in place.

As I found a rhythm, my mind began to drift again.


(Pull the wool away from the skin)

(Clip clip)

What if the person that the guys are searching for is really far away? What if that person diesnt exist at all?

When you hold a crystal with your bare skin, they say your vision changes. Everything and everyone around becomes ill defined, the crystal in your hand feels like it has a heart beat of its own.
You have to clear your mind and think of what you want to find. A physical pull makes you move without thinking towards a single minded goal. That's why Crystal's are carried in handkerchiefs until the searchers reach town.

Wouldnt want to meet a bear or a moose, when you couldnt focus long enough to protect yourself.

Once the crystal touches the thing or person you are looking for it breaks. The red liquid drips out. For a bonding to take place both parties have to ingest a piece of the crystal.

I have no idea how my parents thought to eat a rock or convince the other to eat part of it but iv never asked either.

(Clip the fluff)

(Pull the wool tight)


While my body moved on it's own shearing the goats I was reminded of a conversation I had with my sister. Ash the one closest in age to myself.

We were getting ready to sleep one night. I was combing out my wavey brown hair and she layed in bed looking at me. She was laying down facing me her head propped up on her arm.

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