89.) Splash Splash

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"Vi-HAR!" I shrieked. "What do you think your doing!"

He looked up at me for a second before going back to pulling out her intestines and studying them with rapt attention.

"Husband! Do something!" I yelled at him. Gesturing with one arm at our child with one hand while pulling up the towel with the other. My wet body making a different kind of puddle in the kitchen than the one Vihar was currently playing in.

"Mhm, right." Cerastes agreed, his being naked in a kitchen where people came and went paled in comparison to the problem on the floor. Not that he was the sort to care about that. "Vihar we just finished washing you." He said sternly in dragon speak. "Go wash again."

"Thats not!.... Zin is dead." I whispered angrily, looking around for any eyes. "Dont you think that's what we should be worried about right now!"

He had a look of suprize then understanding as if had only just realized what he was missing. He nodded then turned back to Vihar.

"Your dame is correct." He lectured. "This was a gift from the high lord and we dont have humans to spare at the moment. If you tear them apart it will be some time before we can replace them."

Vihar looked disappointed but didnt move from his perched position on top of the dead maid.

"Cerastes he KILLED Zin. Barely over a month old and hes murdered a person. Just look at him hes covered in ... grmmmmmm!!!" My rant trailed of into incomprehensible noise. I tucked my hands into my

"And I'm handling it, what do you want me to do? Take it away from him?!" He joked.

"YES! Where did he even learn!" I began to raise my voice again when it hit me.

"He learned this from you." I said putting a hand on my hip. "How are we going to stop him from killing anything that walks?" I asked baffled.

"Well he didnt learn my technique but it will come with practice. Every hatchling goes through a hunting phase, its instinct." Cerastes said with more than a little praise in his voice.

"He still needs to be punished for killing without cause. I don't want him to think it's ok to kill without reason, especially humans." I said slowly trying to control my temper and my voice.

"What difference does it make what species he prefers to kill." Cerastes said perplexed.

"Did you forget that I am also a member of that species!" I said pointing to the body that had once been Zin.

"Your his dame, he wouldnt kill you on purpose." Cerastes soothed patting my head.

"husband." I said covering my face with my hand. "You really need to work on your comfort talks. Just what are we going to do about all this? Is you father going to retaliate?" I asked dismally.

"I'll have it cleaned up and the high lord will probably be impressed with Vihars hunting prowess. That one was old and hes already lost nearly a dozen of his pets today, what's one more." Cerastes plucked Vihar off his perch and started carrying Vihar back to the bath. "Bath, Vihar."

Vihars lip quivered in a frown and his eyes threatened to leak.

"Splash splash?" He said in a weak voice. Reaching for his newly aquired toy.

Not mama.

Not dada.

But splash splash?

His first words were his wanting to play in a body. Oh great breathe give me strength. I rubbed my face. Vihar wailed as he was taken away and I felt bad as if I had done something terrible to him.

I didnt kill anyone so why am I feeling guilty? Maybe it was because Vee is my responsibility. I knew his claws had become a bit sharp, even know I had tiny scratches all over my body. One might think I lived with a very aggressive cat not a wild child.

But I never thought he would do this. Hes usually very sweet natured. Maybe a little careless but he is a baby. My baby.

The body of Zin looked smaller. My eyes kept getting stuck on the gapping whole in her chest with bits and pieces spilling out. Her eyes glassed over. I havent seen a dead body since..

Nope I'm not going to think about it.
I shook my head.
I went to the long table and pulled off the table cloth, covering the body to some extent. I couldnt keep looking at the mess my own child had made. Taking a couple steps back, I opened my palms up to the air as if to let go of the issue.

She was a terrible woman anyway, I reasoned. Vihar didnt understand what he was doing. A baby doesnt comprehend what death is.

Cerastes didnt act like this is a big problem, so maybe I shouldnt either?

From now on I'll keep a better eye on Vee,I promised myself. Ill make sure Cerastes explains to him that he cant kill humans and this wont happen again. I crossed my arms in front of me and nodded to myself. I made up every excuse I could think of but in the back of my head I wondered if I might end up on the floor like Zin.

Vee is already lethal as an infant. How will I make Vee do anything in the future? I cant speak his language. Hes faster than I am. Soon he will be able to fly places that I cant reach.

What could I possibly do to lead him?

Killing is part of Cerastes job. It was part of my family's job to. Protecting our land from those who might hurt our prosperity. I cant say killing is completely wrong, but entertainment cant be the reason for it.

I have my bond to rely on, I assured myself. Cerastes will know what to do,  and even if he might be oblivious when it comes to something's as long as we find a solution together everything will be all right. It had to be.

Sorry about the short chapter. A longer one next time <3


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