16.) For Better or Worse

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Ceder felt the burn in his chest, it traveled down consuming his arm.

A tattoo formed all the way down to his finger tips. The tattoo was an off white color and almost shiny, like new skin. The pattern twisted and turned, vines and thorns.

He looked down at Della, who was looking at her arm. He could not see her expression only the top of her head, as she turned her arm from side to side.

"Is this normal?" Della asked.

"Iss proof of bond, and a blessin from our lord." Ceder said his eyes were blinking heavily.

He grabbed Dellas newly tattooed arm in his, folding their hands together. The tattoos matched, vines and thorns, that flowed down from their shoulders to the their hands.

Ceder yawned. He should be taking time to enjoy his new bond but he could barely keep his eyes open.


"Lord Pyrosss." Ceder replied. He wobbled in place with his eyes staying closed longer with each blink.

Della looked at him with a shocked expression.
"Come with me." Della said, she led him up the stairs slowly. Ceder leaned on her stumbling.
She then unlocked a room. "You can sleep in here."

He could only nod, as she helped him into bed. Taking off his boots, and tucking him in.

"Ill see you in the morning." Della whispered.

But Ceder was already fast asleep.

Spruce woke up to find he was one sibling short. He sprung out of his palette. Oak was still snoring, and Laurel was still in bed. 

Why was it always Ceder!

"Get up!" Spruce woke his siblings loudly. Pulling on his boots.

"Did we over sleep?!" Laurel said with a shriek. Scrambling out of bed like it was on fire.

"Oak, stay with your sister and get ready. I'm going to get your brother." Spruce ordered.

Oak and Laurel looked at Ceders empty palet, not seeing Ceder.  As Spruce left the room, slamming the door behind him.

Spruce ran down the hall before stopping at the stairs. He looked behind him and saw a pair of boots next to the door closest to the stairs.

He knew those boots.

Without knocking, he opened the door to find Ceder sleeping in the little bed.

Spruce felt an immediate sense of relief followed by anger. Rubbing his hand across his face. 

Spruce walked up to the bed, threw off the covers and pulled his brother out of bed.

Ceder fell to the floor with a loud thunk, and let out a groan.

Spruce could smell the ale from last night on his breath.

"Sneaking out! and drinking!" Spruce yelled. "The abyss Ceder, do you know how worried I was!"

Ceder rolled to his side blinking to clear his vision.

"Can you scold me more quietly." Ceder asked, rubbing his eyes. 

Spruce was becoming more agitated by the second.
"You are so irresponsible! Spruce said with an exasperated sigh. "You know what, maybe you should wait a few more years to make a bond, grow up a bit more."

"Well it's a little late for that now!" Ceder said raising his left arm.

Spruce looked like his soul might leave his body, he turned his back on Ceder, putting his hands on his hips he took a few deep breaths.

When Spruce felt that he had calmed down enough not to beat his brother half to death, he turned around. Facing his younger brother who had finally managed to get off the floor.

"What. Happened." Spruce asked.

"You know I couldnt sleep and we did agree that I would go first 
it just sorta happened." Ceder explained crossing his arms.

Spruce knew in this moment that he would never again volunteer as a search trip supervisor.
As soon as he got home he was going straight to his father and tell him to take him out of the rotation.

Ceder and Spruce just stared at eachother for a moment.

"Well!?" Spruce asked.

"Well what?" Ceder replied.

"Where is she?!" Spuce asked gesturing with his arms to the little room. Ceder looked around realizing his bond wasnt with him.

"She is...um.. I dont know." Ceder said scratching the back of his head in confusion.

"You dont know... YOU DONT KNOW! did you just say, you dont know!" Spruce said his voice raising again.

"She's probably close by." Ceder said.

Spruces had one hand on his hip and the other rubbed his mouth, face had turned reddish purple.

"You LOST HER!" Spruce exclaimed. "Your bond isnt some.. SOME..

(Knock knock)

Ceder and Spruce turned their heads to the sound in suprize.

"Is this bad time?" Della asked peeking in the doorway.

"See! I told you she didnt go far, shes not lost." Ceder said proudly.

Spruce looked between Ceder and Della.

"This is your wife?" Spruce said with his hand outstretched to the blond woman in the opened doorway.

"Hi there." Della said with a smile and a small finger wave.

Spruce let out a heavy sigh.

"Have you talked about what happeneds next?" Spruce asked Ceder.

"My bags are all packed" Della replied for her husband. "But you still need to come and meet aunty." Della said looking at Ceder.

"Ok, I guess I'm going to go meet aunty." Ceder said.

Della looked at Ceder up and down.
"Maybe clean up a bit first." Della encouraged.

Ceder looked down at his disheveled appearance, his breath and clothes still smelled like alcohol.

"Right, I'll meet you down there." Ceder nodded his head.

"Let's go back to the others." Spruce said in with an exhausted expression.

The two headed back to the room down the hall only to see Oak and Laurels heads poked out looking in their direction. Before disappearing into the room.

"Well I guess theres no need to explain to the others." Ceder said.

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