36.) The Long Story

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"Father told the same story every year but he never told you the whole story." Spruce explained.

Many faces turned to Thistle as if to confirm what they were being told.

"We have been guarding his body for nearly a hundred years."

"Father had gone out to bring water in from the river when he found a crystal.

A red crystal sunk in the water. His first thought was that he wanted to give it to his wife.

And just like that he was with her and the crystal broke.

Mother convinced father that they should both eat a piece.

Her tribe used to live by the eastern sea a long time ago, crystals would wash ashore from time to time. These crystals contained magic that could cure sickness and lengthen your life.

Trusting his wife's judgement, they both ate a piece.

Not long after she became pregnant but they also gained tattoos, and strange abilities.

Over time they grew stronger, they could hear better, they aged more slowly.

Father needed to know where the crystal came from and if there were more.

He followed the river. Finding more in this cave but continued following the path to find the source.

He ended up here and found Pyros injured, alone, and asleep. The blood red crystals grew around him.

Father could not pull the blade out of the lord because it went straight through his chest. If he pulled it out the lord might bleed to death.

Getting help wasnt an option any dragonkin could be the enemy and even if they didnt kill Pyros they might kill father and our family for knowing that they could be injured with weapons.

Father went home and spoke with mother about their situation and they came up with a plan.

Pyros had rewarded them with safety, and was also the reason they could have children. They would do all they could to protect him while he slept.

Every year they would pull out the blade a little at a time. Giving lord Pyros a chance to heal, but we are out of time now."

Spruce walked with determined splashing steps to the lord's body and with one quick motion he pulled the rest of the blade out of Pyros's chest.

The sound of a scream rang out and the wet group froze in place.

"What are you doing!" His mother screamed.

"What I must! Oak! Ceder! Help me get him in to the water." Spruce ordered.

The two jumped up to comply even though Ceder limped and Oaks hands shook.

The three picked up their lord and layed him gently in the water. Spruce had Pyros layed on his side and kept pressure on his wound. Making the area stayed beneath the water. Thistle rushed to pass Fern off to her daughter Clove, then she went to the sleeping body and made sure to keep his head above water.

Every one in the cave sat in the water and prayed for Pyros's health. That he would live.
That they would live.
That the raiders wouldn't be unable to find them.
For the people who didnt make it.

What came over the family was a feeling of weight. They huddled together leaning against the wall and eachother. Babies no longer cried and the pain from wounds went numb.

The water grew bright and felt cozy and warm, where it had been dark and cold before.
A pulsing, like that of a heart sounded in their ears. The light originated from beneath Pyros.

There was no longer fear or cold only the need to sleep was left.

After a couple of yawns the entire group fell into a deep hibernation.

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