76.) Is It Raise or Raze?

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"Why did you do that, father?" Dante asked walking a small distance behind the high lord. "Cerastes is an affront to the bloodline, you could have easily taken the hatchling and registered him under my name in the mountains heart."

"Would you brand yourself as a napozo." Kavern chuckled. "Your child, his child, Vihar is my descendant either way." He waved off the sentiment with a flick of his tail.

"All the more reason to give the newling to me, I need the status more. What could that short, off colored drake even teach another about being a dragon?" Dante said aggrieved running his nails through his long black hair and gritted his fangs.
"His registry will bring down our clans value! Why would you want to parade him about at a formal gathering for the world to see?"

"Its because he is damaged that the outcome will be more beneficial to us." Kavern said knowingly as he walked through the stone halls. The position of high lord didnt come easily, strength was needed but so was intelligence. "Its as you said, Cerastes is a runt, off colored, and wingless...and yet he was capable of sireing the first fully formed offspring in centuries. If an inferior drake is capable of progenorating with this new technique than image the success rate of a genetically superior male. When the other clans see this they will be lining up to gain our favor in exchange for information and the chance for visits of rare human females."

Dante took in his fathers statement with awe. It hadnt occured to him how other clans might clamor for their favor but that presented a whole new slew of problems.

First was supply. There was only the one rare human female and the only dragon with information on how to create more had been out of contact for sometime.

The second problem was defense. This new development had devastating potential, the green mountain clan had been in decline for a long time. Unlike other clans green mountain only had 5 males to its name. There were no squadrons of lesser dragons to defend the territory other than the actual family members. If the other clans find out we have no method of supplying them with females they may break the truce and fight to take this one.

There was only one surviveing female out of an entire herd of rare humans. The clans will have to be informed of the weapons that are capable of harming dragons. Once the clans know of the weapons existence it may get out that through the green mountain clans negligence an entire herd of rare humans had been wiped out.

It's unlikely that even though we would tell them that we had not know of their existence that they would believe it, or worse it would only add to the notion that Green Mountain Clan wasnt cable of being the sole keepers of the information and demand for it to be shared.

"This is going to create chaos. A frenzy we might not be able to control." Dante  thought aloud.

"Vihar." Kavern agreed. "A storm, a suitable name for one who will cause calamity the world over by existing alone."

"Fathers habit of selecting the most befitting name is correct again." Dante sighed.

"Dont be to disapointed. With this hatchling we may be able to secure a visit from a dragoness." Kavern said proudly. "Once Talon has a taste of a female of his own kind he can put his days of human women behind him and you will also put away your nights as a whovey." He growled.

The accusation was enough to stop Dante in his tracks. His father had always turned a blind eye when he dissapeared during gatherings. How he formed connections and tried to gain a foothold when he was an heir from the most declined clan was his burden to bare.

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