41.) Blink Once for Yes

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The procession stopped only once around midday for the group to relieve themselves. I woke Cerastes for the break but he had Marrow take me into the woods to pee.

"You dont have to stand that close." I told him embarrassed. He was probably five big steps away.

I found a spot just out of sight behind a large tree. the Bush next to the tree provided more privacy. Not that it was entirely needed, most of the wagons in the procession were ahead of us with Cerastes carriage and a few soldiers at the end.

The road was well maintained a dirt road that must have been used for a long time. The terrain was mostly forest and the mountain road twisted and turned, inclining and declining. It seemed to be an endless landscape of green and brown.

I had only gotten my pants unlaced before I heard the sound of a hisssss.

Ever so slooowly
turned my head to the privacy bush. That's when I saw the snake.

There are only three types of snakes in the Green Mountains. Two of which, are perfectly harmless. The one I was looking at was unfortunately the adder.

Adders have the triangular head of a venomous snake and long light brown bodies. A darker brown patter zigzags over the middle of their backs. At worst a bite might kill me. At best it will still be incredibly painful.

This one didnt slink away like most adders would which means it's probably a pregnant female. Isnt it still early in the season? Abyss take it all!

The snake began to curl into a striking position.

Without a second thought I sprang away to my left head first. Trying my best to keep my pants up.

Marrow with a practiced swing caught the snake mid strike, his sword made a decisive thunk as it lodged in the tree trunk. The snakes head had fallen to the forest floor but the rest of its body still wriggled pinned between the blade and the tree.

Stunned, I had a death grip on the top of my pants. The realization that my bare butt was touching the ground caused me to wriggled like the snake, to pull up my pants.

My eye sight is fairly good as is my hearing. If I wanted to I could have killed the animal with a slap of my hand but taking the life of an animal without intending to eat it was disrespectful.

Of course killing in self defense is acceptable but that was usually against other humans or animals that couldnt be avoided.

I felt dumb for not paying better attention. A snake can only behave like a snake.

Marrow said nothing every blond hair in place. He surveyed the area suspiciously, as if another snake was lying in wait. Satisfied with his survey Marrow turned around again and waited.

My stomach rumbled as we rode along. I should have eaten more during the morning meal.

"I had a bit of a suprize earlier." I said trying to distract myself with conversation.

"Yes I saw." He replied.

"You could see us all the way from the carriage?" I asked suprized, reaching my hand to open one of the still covered windows. Cerastes in the blink of an eye stopped my hand to prevent me from opening one of the window coverings.
He held my hand for a moment and then released it.

"No. It was that, what did you call it 'squinting'." He said relaxing back in his seat.

"You were 'blinking'?" I asked, trying to calm myself down from a second scare that made me jump today.

"Yes, that. It was jarring." He blinked rapidly, as if dirt had gotten in his eyes.

"How did you do it?"

"Shouldnt you be telling me? This is an ability from your bloodline." He remarked. Cerastes was propped up by his elbow, with his hand resting on his head. His fingers which were already longer than a humans seemed longer because of his claw like nails.

I shrugged feeling the twinge of soreness from the bite on my shoulder. "Its different for everyone, sometimes it takes a long time to be able to do it on purpose." I explained. "how was it for you?"

"I felt your fear and then I was there seeing it."

I nodded.

"It may bother you but it will continue to happen occasionally, especially if your emotions run high. After sometime you wont blink unless you want to, and well be able to know when the other is 'looking in'. I'm sorry to burden you with it." I dropped my eyes to the floor.

"It wasnt all bad. I was able to see daylight without wanting to gauge my own eyes out." He mused.

Is he trying to make me feel better?

"Is that why you keep it so dark in here? Because the light hurts?"

Is that why we had been traveling at night so often? He ignored my questions then closed his eyes. Really?! How much can one man sleep.

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