Run away - Jarbyn

Start from the beginning

"But how? We won't have a place to stay," Jack whimpered as he slowly calmed down.

"We can live in the car for a while and use our money that we have now to get food, then I can find a job, I'll work double, even triple shifts if I have to. Then we can get a loan from the bank to get an apartment then we can build up our finances then get married and move into a bigger house," Corbyn explained. Jack nodded softly. "Are you up for it?"

Jack just nodded again, which caused Corbyn's to smile softly. "Good. I'll let you get to sleep now love, I'll talk to you tomorrow," Corbyn said softly. Jack nodded. "Good night, I love you."

"Good night, I love you too," Jack said then hung up. He quickly changed into pyjamas then got into bed.

*8.5 months later*

Jack's stomach was now huge, the baby could come within a few weeks.

"Jack, we need to talk," Kristin explained. Jack sat at the table with Darrin and Kristin and looked at them nervously.

"What do you need?" Jack asked softly. He felt the baby kick so he rubbed his stomach with a smile.

"We're kicking you out," Darrin said.

"What? The baby isn't even born yet!" Jack exclaimed madly.

"You're becoming too much work for us Jack, and it's time you go anyways," Kristin said calmly.

"I can't fucking believe you guys, I'm glad that my child won't have to deal with asshole grandparents," Jack said then stormed up to his bedroom.

Jack quickly packed his suitcase, slightly struggling because of his large stomach getting in the way.

When the suitcase was packed he called Corbyn.

"Hi love," Corbyn welcomed.

"Corbs? My parents kicked me out, I don't know what to do," Jack said, tears forming in his eyes.

"Love, don't worry, I found a place for us to stay until we can get our own home. I have a friend who lives in Minnesota named Jonah and he said we can stay there," Corbyn said softly.

"O-Ok thank you bean," Jack mumbled.

"You're welcome my angel. Is all of your stuff packed?"


"Ok, I'll be there to pick you up in 20 minutes ok?"

"Ok, bye Corbyn."

"Bye Jack."

*20 minutes later*

Jack opened the front door and struggled to bring his luggage out, Corbyn saw and quickly got out of his car and ran to help Jack.

He took the luggage and put it in the back seat with his own then helped Jack into the passenger seat.

Corbyn got into the driver seat then started driving. He held Jack's hand gently and tried to smile.

Both boys could barely process what was happening, there's too much to process.

They sat in silence for about an hour until Jack suddenly got a huge pain in his stomach.

"Ow, fuck," Jack whined and he gripped Corbyn's hand tightly. Corbyn squeezed his hand sadly, he hates seeing his baby in pain.

"It's ok love, you got it," Corbyn soothed.

The pain lasted about 3 minutes then Jack's water broke.

"Fuck sakes," Jack mumbled.

"It's ok love, I'm getting to the hospital," Corbyn said softly.

Jack squeezed Corbyn's hand and took deep breaths to try and smooth the pain.

"C-Corbyn, I-I can't," Jack said, feeling the most pain he's ever felt before.

"Just remember that after all this we're going to have a beautiful little baby to love for the rest of our lives," Corbyn said then kissed the back of Jack's hand. Jack nodded slightly, being in too much pain to talk.

*20 minutes later*

Corbyn pulled into a hospital parking lot and helped Jack out of the car. He helped Jack walk into the emerge, even though it was extremely painful for Jack.

Nurses rushed over to Jack and helped him into a hospital room where he'd later give birth.

Corbyn helped Jack change into a hospital gown then helped him lay down on the bed. Corbyn grabbed his hand and gently kissed it.

"I love you so much Jack, I'll be right beside you the whole time love," Corbyn said softly. Jack nodded and leaned his head back, he was exhausted. Corbyn gently kissed Jack's forehead.

"Can we cuddle?" Jack asked softly.

"Of course baby," Corbyn replied. Corbyn slipped his shoes off then got into the bed beside Jack, Jack laid so his back was against Corbyn's front. Corbyn placed a hand on Jack's stomach and gently rubbed it. "I can't wait to meet our little angel."

"Me either."

*6 hours later bc I'm lazy*

Jack sat in the hospital bed admiring the small baby in his arms. Lilian Sara Besson.

Corbyn smiled down at Jack and Lilian, the two loves of his life right in one place.

A/N I'm so sorry that it took me so long to get another chapter out, I wasn't really motivated to write and I'd rather give you guys a quality chapter than a rushed one. So I hope you enjoyed it!

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