Child of Athena

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I posted this in a comment once, but we were discussing who Peter's godly parent would be. I put up the theory that it was Athena, The Greek goddess of Wisdom and battle strategy, but Peter got cursed by Arachne (a spider woman type thing that was cursed by Athena) so that Athena would hate him. But Peter used his new found Spider abilities to be a hero, which made Athena happy and Arachne even more mad. So this is Peter Stark, son of Tony Stark and Athena, though none of the Avengers know, and this is in the Percy Jackson Multiverse


"Mom!" Peter called out running out of the elevator to tackle his mother in a hug. The woman, his mother apparently, laughed as she hugged Peter back. The woman had long brown hair and gray eyes that were like silver with happiness. The woman wore a white shirt with jeans and white boots. But the woman still had a bronze shield strapped to her back with the face of a woman with snake hair on it.

"Who is she, and how did she get here?" Steve asked, reaching for his own shield that was strapped on his back. The Avengers had just come back from a mission, which meant they had their suits on, and they had their weapons near them.

"I wouldn't do that, Cap. This goddess can really ruin your life if she wanted to," Tony said knowing exactly who Peter's mom was. He was too smart not to figure out the weird tendencies, and put them to the only logical, though unbelievable, conclusion.

"Goddess? Did Thor invite someone over and didn't tell us?" Clint asked confused. And why did Peter call this woman mom? Was this one of Tony's exes who he still thought was a goddess?

"I am not from the Norse Parthenon, I am Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom and battle strategy," The woman said waving her hand to dismiss the ignorant idea of her being on a different Parthenon. "This is my son, Peter Stark."

"You hear that, Capsicle, I was so smart the goddess of Wisdom herself had a child with me. I count that as a win," Tony bragged to Steve who just gasped at the woman.

"Nope, there is one God, may that God bless America," Steve said walking away. He may have been on a team with a god and fought against one, but Mr. America insisted there was only one true God.

"Dang, he needs to date the American goddess or something. Maybe the one about honor or pride? Who knows, anyways, what's up with you, Athens?" Tony said, leaving his suit, and team, behind him as he walked towards the two people.

"My name is Athena, Stark," the goddess rolled her eyes making Peter laugh as his parents started debating, something they always did. Some called it arguing, them two insisted it was debating so they could be right about the argument. Who knows what it actually was?

"Great, I've seen it all now," Clint said with his hands in the air, walking away. Natasha disappeared at some point of the argument, but no one knew when. Bruce just coughed in the awkwardness and walked away. But Thor went up to talk to Athena against Peter's better wishes.

Let's just say it was pretty, and Athena and Thor were never to be in the same room again.

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