Pepper Is The Best

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Peter was actually really excited. Tony had invited him to a party, and Peter was just really excited to go. Peter wore a suit, got his aunt to tie his tye, and Happy drove him the tower, right to where the party was.

Paparazzi flashed photos at the many celebrities who walked into the building. Some looking smug, others just happy to be there. Peter walked down the carpet, looking down to avoid all the celebrities and paparazzi. None of the noticed seeing as Peter wasn't famous in any sense.

Walking to the party, Peter could here the festive music play as he took in the sight. With a sharp breath, Peter found Tony in the crowd, trying to get to him. But Peter accidentally stumbled into three people talking. A woman and two men.

"Oh, I am so sorry, ma'am," Peter said with a friendly smile, glad to see their was no damage to her dress. Peter could not afford a dress like hers. It was a silver, retracting the light to make rainbows on her dress.

With woman scoffed in disdain, staring at Peter with anger and disinterest. The men looked the same way, just a little more aggressive, "I wasn't aware this was a charity event."

"It's not, ma'am, just a fun event," Peter said looking down in embarrassment, knowing exactly what she was implying. Peter didn't think he looked that out of place from everyone else, even if he knew he was.

"Then why did they invite a worthless brat like you? How'd you get past security, did they pity you?" The woman asked, her eyes narrowing at Peter. "Is that what you are? A pity case?"

"No, I was invited by Mr. Stark," Peter said, tears threatening to spill. The woman was voicing some of Peter's own insecurities, the ones of just being a pity case to Tony. That he was always looked down by the Avengers. That no matter what he did, he wasn't good enough for anyone.

"Than you really are a pity case. Why would a billionaire invite someone like you here?" The woman laughed, looking back at the men who started laughing as well. A tear slid down Peter's cheek, and the woman noticed. "Don't cry, it's just the truth. You should have realized that."

Peter couldn't help, he ran away from all three of them, their laughter stretching out behind him. Peter ran from the calls of the Avengers, who were confused as to where he was running. Peter ran into the elevator, hoping to escape the mass of people.

Peter could feel the warm tears race down his cheeks, trying to hit the ground before the other ones did. Peter felt like he was crying over nothing, but he couldn't stop.

"Peter, sir, you are generating 20% less serotonin," FRIDAY said to Peter who was feeling tired. Peter knew that serotonin helped make energy, so the decrease was making him tired. But Peter didn't care. FRIDAY continued. "Thankfully, you're brain is also generating endorphins. These will help you feel better, Peter, so I suggest you stop trying to suppress your tears. Would you like me to inform Boss of the events that led to your depressed state of mind?"

"Who was she, FRIDAY?" Peter asked, ignoring the question. He didn't want Tony to know, but he knew that if he told FRIDAY that, she would tell Tony because Peter didn't want that.

"Amelia Cross, a fashion designer that designs Ms. Potts dresses," FRIDAY answered. Peter nodded, the elevator doors opening. Speaking of the CEO, Pepper was sitting at the bar in a dress Peter knew he definitely couldn't afford. Pepper looked up at Peter, concern showing when she saw Peter with puffy red eyes.

"What's wrong? Did Tony do something stupid?" Pepper asked getting a small laugh from Peter who came into the room to sit beside Pepper. The latter ran her hand through Peter's curls he tried so hard to straighten out.

"I just couldn't handle the party," Peter half lied. Yes, he couldn't handle the party, but it had more to do with that one person than everyone. Though Peter was sure he would get the same reaction from most of them.

"Did someone make you feel bad?" Pepper said, knowing Peter more than most would think. More times than once, Peter had gone to meetings in the place of Tony. Which Pepper didn't mind seeing as Peter was better than Tony had making decisions.

"Yes," Peter said more tears coming down his face. Pepper opened her arms, allowing Peter to fall into a hug, making her expensive dress wet.

"Who was it? What did they say?" Pepper asked quietly wondering who hurt her kid, because that person was as good as dead. And as if knowing Peter wouldn't answer, FRIDAY played the audio of the event, telling Pepper just what happened.

"You are not a pity case, baby, we all love you just as who you are. You may be from a different background as the Avengers, but that doesn't mean you're any different from them. You're practically perfect in every way," Pepper said with a smile.

"Did you just make a pop culture reference?" Peter said with a laugh, surprised Pepper would be the one to understand the bizarre jargon that teens spoke on a daily basis.

"I did, and that quote describes you," Pepper said grabbing Peter's hand, "Let's go back to the party and tell Amelia she won't be making my dresses anymore."

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