The Strongest Avenger

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*well, there's death, sadness, mention of rape, mention of suicide, and just a whole lot of sadness. There are some spoilers, and I made a few things up. After Infinity War so spoilers up to there. Avengers in Avenger Tower even the rogues who were forgiven and pardoned. *

"Trust exercise! Wanda will show the team everyone's worst memories. There will be no holding back or making fun of anyone," Tony explained at all the Avengers in the living room. A soft snore came from Peter who had his head in Natasha's lap.

"Since Peter's asleep, we should let him go first. I mean, he's not even 17 so he shouldn't have many horrible memories," Natasha said. Wanda walked over, agreeing, and moved her hand around Peter's head watching the red mist pull the Avengers into Peter's memories.

-Memory 1- 

5 year old Peter looked up at his aunt who was sobbing. "Hey, Peter, you're gonna come live with me and Uncle Ben... Because Momma and Daddy won't be back."

Peter looked between his crying Aunt and Uncle. Little Peter started sobbing into his Aunt's shoulder as the image faded into the Parkers standing in front of two graves in black clothes.

Peter held both his aunt and uncle's hands as little tears came down his eyes.

-Memory 2-

Eight year old Peter sat there playing with blocks most the Avengers identified as Legos. A man who was blurred out stood in front of Peter. Peter looked up at the man smiling.

The man cocked his head at Peter. "Want to play a game, Peter?"

Peter, being the innocent kid he is, nodded excitedly. "Are you playing with the Legos? Or can we play Uno or Connect Four? Will it be fun?"

The man came closer unzipping his pants. "It'll be fun for me."

All the Avengers closed there eyes as Peter screamed.

-Memory 3-

All the Avengers felt a pain throb into them. The image focused out to Peter on the bathroom floor puking his guts out and sobbing. Peter hugged a pillow close to his chest as he laid back. His skin was pale and sweaty as Peter kept moaning.

"Death by spider bite, huh," Peter almost smiled before he started puking again. Peter screamed before shrunk down into the pillow quietly sobbing.

-Memory 4-

Peter was standing over a man with a gun shot wound. Peter was crying as he screamed for help. The man grabbed Peter's hand. "Remember... what I always said... Kiddo."

Peter and the man said the next line together. "With great power, come great responsibility."

The man smiled before he closed his eyes. Peter hugged the man's hand before whispering. "Say hello to mom and dad for me, Uncle Ben."

-Memory 5-

"Captain Stacey? Oh god!! This is my fault!!" Peter said ripping off his Spider-Man mask. The man, Captain Stacey, looked at Peter.

"Promise to keep Gwen out of this," Captain Stacey said. Peter nodded vigorously before Captain Stacey died.

-Memory 6-

That man the Avengers recalled to be the Green Goblin from years ago held a girl with blonde hair who looked like Captain Stacey.

"Don't do this Harry! We used to be best friends!" Spider-Man yelled from all the way down from where the Green Goblin and the girl where, on top of the tower.

Green Goblin dropped the girl who screamed. Spider-Man shot the web to save the girl but he was too late. Spider-Man cradled the girl in his arms. "I'll always love you, Gwen. Always. Tell Captain Stacey I'm sorry for breaking my promise."

Spider-Man started sobbing into the dead girl's chest ignoring the Green Goblin as he got away. Spider-Man picked up Gwen taking her to the cops outside.

-Memory 7-

Peter kept screaming for help as the building began crushing him. Spider-Man looked around as his breath quickened. He called for Happy, Mr. Stark, Aunt May, Ned, anyone to save him.

"You are Spider-Man," Peter said pushing the building off of him before racing off to fight Vulture.

-Memory 8-

Aunt May laid on the white hospital bed while Peter gripped her hand, sobbing his heart out making the Avengers cry themselves.

"I larb you, Peter," Aunt May smiled at Peter who looked up at her.

"I will always larb you. Promise me to tell my parents, Uncle Ben, and Gwen hello for me. Please," Peter said his voice cracking.

"They know you love them, Peter," Aunt May said before closing her eyes. The heart machine went to a long beep that just cut out as the nurses unplugged the heart monitor. Peter started sobbing as he limped out of the room.

Peter sat on a chair as he heard a nurse talking. "Poor kid. I looked him up. Lost his parents at five, lost his virginity at eight, lost his uncle at fourteen, lost his girlfriend and his dad at fifteen. Oh, and remember that therapist who made kids kill themselves by inducing them with guilt? He was one of her clients. And he's record? Clean. The only thing he does is take anti depressants."

Peter looked at his bag before pulling out the medicine bottle with anti depressant written on it. Peter swallowed one with a bottle of water he had.

After that the Avengers saw Peter's panic attacks and nightmares he had to deal with alone.


The Avengers popped out of Peter's head, most of them crying. Peter popped up from Natasha's lap crying.

Tony hugged the boy apologizing. Peter sort of understood why he was apologizing because Peter felt their presence in his mind. What Peter didn't know is that he was also apologizing because of all the things Peter has been through.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Tony said pulling away.

"Because I didn't want to appear as the weakest Avenger."

"Kid, I think you're the strongest Avenger."

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