Coma, Death, and Family

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"The baby is perfectly healthy, Mr. Parker, but the mother, Miss Delilah Church is in a coma. You and your aunt May are the ones responsible for the baby girl until Miss Delilah wakes up," the nurse said handing the baby girl to Peter who just stared at the other sleeping face in the room. Delilah looked so peaceful, so calm.

"Did she get named yet?" Peter said watching the baby's small fist wrap around Peter's index finger, her violet eyes staring up at Peter. Peter wanted to fish at the adorableness of the small child.

"No, but we need one now so you have to give her one," the nurse said, looking around for the person who was supposed to make the birth certificate.

"How about Lila Hope Church? Mommy wanted to name you that," Peter said remembering the times that he and Delilah talked about names, Delilah's favorite name being Lila.


"Hey! Peter!" Tony said knowing the waiter at the restaurant the Avengers went to often. They had gotten to know the Parker, finding him funny and smart, and definitely a kind soul.

Peter looked up at Tony, rubbing his eyes avoiding to touch the purple bags that hung heavy on his eyes. The young boy was pale, making the bags darker and more noticeable. Peter looked like he was about to fall to the ground at any moment, just a piece of paper in the wind. "Mr. Stark! How are you today?"

"How are you, Peter? You look terrible," Tony said in shock, placing his hand on Peter's forehead to see if he was sick. As luck would have it, Peter was burning up. "And your sick. Go home, Peter."

"I can't. I need the money, and Lila just went to sleep," Peter said gesturing towards the blanket nest that say on a booth table in a dark corner of the room.

"Is that Delilah's daughter? Where's Delilah?" Tony said. If Peter was sick, why would Delilah ask him to babysit her baby? Wouldn't that make the baby ill as well?

"Delilah's in a coma. It happened right after Lila was born. I'm taking care of Lila until Delilah wakes up," Peter said, grabbing into Tony's arm as the world went dizzy. Tony held on to Peter, feeling the heat just radiate off of Peter in a not good way.

"Peter! It's your aunt! She's headed to the hospital! Someone shot her!" A person said opening the door. Peter looked up at that, his eyes widening in fear. Peter grabbed Lila and ran out the door, somehow the infant stayed asleep.

"Peter!" Tony yelled following behind, the Avengers staying behind in a sense of confusion about the situation until everything clicked. If May died, then Peter would be by himself with Lila.


"We're sorry, Mr. Parker," A nurse said as Peter stated at the cold form of his dead aunt that was hidden beneath the blanket. Peter then looked at the small bundle of joy sleeping in his shoulder in her blanket.

"Any news on Delilah Church?" Peter asked trying to keep himself from sobbing. Tears still came down his face in rapid succession, Peter not being able to stop them even if Peter tried, which he didn't.

"We don't think she'll wake up, I'm very sorry. I'll leave you two alone," the nurse said walking outside, closing the door behind her quietly leaving a shaky Peter to slowly sit down in a chair.

"You were supposed to live. They all died. Uncle Ben, my parents, Gwen, Captain Stacey. Maybe they become evil like Harry and Doc Ock. But you were supposed to live. And now you're gone. And if Delilah dies, what am I supposed to do? I can't take care of a kid by myself. Not when I'm Spider-Man and I already have PTSD and anxiety. I can't do any of this by myself!" Peter said starting to sob. "What did I do to deserve all this? I thought I saved people! I do good for people! Why am I alone?" 

Peter stood up, his hiccups filling the room as Lila started to wake up. Peter grabbed her little hand, "You'll always have me, Lila. If mommy dies, and I pray she doesn't, you will have me. I'm not leaving you behind. Not like that jerk of a dad you have."

Peter opened the door, walking into the river of people, their body heat making him realize just how sick he was. But Peter needed to get out of there, find a better job of maybe more jobs to help pay for necessary things.

"Peter, come to the tower with us. I want Bruce to check out your sickness," Tony said startling Peter out of his thoughts. Tony was leaning on a black car that Peter slowly walked towards, getting in as tears came down his face.


Peter and Lila were asleep, both tired out from the days events. Peter was fine, just malnourished and exhausting himself to take care of Lila. Peter really was trying hard to make Lila happy, safe, and healthy, even though Lila and Delilah weren't family to Peter in any way.

"So, I'm going to assume you want to adopt him," Pepper said staring at the face of Peter who still had bags and puffy eyes from crying. Pepper learned Peter's story, and she made the reasonable connection of what Tony wants to do.

"He's smart, he's a hero, he lost his entire family, he's kind. I think you could warp any of those to make a fitting a story for the press," Tony said. "We also look similar so you could say he is my long lost son."

"It's not about the press, this is about you, Tony. What do you want?" Pepper asked, knowing that Tony didn't answer her question at all.

"I want to adopt Peter. And would I adopt Lila or would Peter adopt her...?" Tony said raising an eyebrow, not understanding how adoption worked, not entirely.

"Yeah, okay," Pepper said with a sigh, walking away from that situation, not answering Tony's weird question. Tony just smiled looking at the small infant pressed to the teenager's chest, the two looking adorable, almost like puppies.

"I'll take care of you two."

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