anti gravity

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Henry and Bendy x reader

Tell me does it take a war to start a revolutionI see the look in your eyeHope is a bloody battlefield of dissillusionIt's gonna take sacrifice

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Tell me does it take a war to start a revolution
I see the look in your eye
Hope is a bloody battlefield of dissillusion
It's gonna take sacrifice

For six god forsaken months, you, Henry, and Bendy, fought to get out of this inky plague ridden hell hole of a town. You fought a deranged russian wolf, a not-so-saintly angel, and a mountain's equivalent of infected souls. The three of you were tired and soaked in layers of ink and blood. But as the former choir director would say 'love requires sacrifice'. 

Everything in this fuck hole required a sacrifice of some sort, but you refused to let Henry or Bendy become one of those. 

All the blood that we're bleeding
Could fill up a broken heart
The secrets we're keeping could be used
To light the dark

You trudged forward, favoring your bleeding side. You looked up at the plate on the door before you. The office of Joseph Drew. Your teeth clenched at the hideously poisonous sight.

"I wonder how many more secrets we'll find in there" Henry half joked as he scoffed.

Bendy was less than amused as he looked over at your wilted frame. You pressed your hand against the gaping door, thrusting it open.

"It's sad. To think this man that we called a friend, had more skeletons in his closet than my family's mausoleum" you sighed entering the cluttered broom closet that was supposed to be an office.

But we're anti-gravity lock down humanity
Lightnin' insanity strikin' inside of me
Whaoh Whaoh, It's the heartbeat of history
Whaoh Whaoh, like lightnin' inside of me

You dropped yourself down into a chair after removing the stack of books from it. Henry knelt down in front of you.

"Here, let me take a look at your side" he said sliding your shirt up.

The bleeding had slown tremendously. However, the area surrounding the wound was a deep violet shade. What worried him most was the ink black spiderwebbing that stretched towards your stomach and lower back.

Bendy looked at you filled with guilt. It was his fault that you and Henry were in this mess.

In the skeleton closet you'll never know it
The secrets are prisoner inside
Kaleidoscope truth from the ones who hold it
Keeping the hostage alive

Prior to meeting at the warehouse doorsteps, you knew nothing about the caring man before you and in return he knew nothing about you either.

"(Y/n), tell me, what brought you here?" Henry asked as they took time to rest a bit.

You stiffened, unsure of how to word your story without angering either male.

"I was sent here by my father, to be a sacrifice. My brother, your 'partner', Joseph, claimed that we 'angered the great ink demon and now he cries out for blood'. My superstitious Family believed him and I was sent away to die in order to 'appease the gods'. Then when I got here, I met you"

"Joey is your brother!?" Bendy shrieked.

"Yes, unfortunately. To think I trusted him. He was my brother, my best friend!" you said clenching your eyes and fists as you fought back the threatening tears.

All the blood that we're bleeding
Could fill up a broken heart
The secrets we're keeping could be used
To light the dark

Henry held you steady as you shook from the violent sobbing. The memory hurts you to recall. It was like chewing on needles only to swallow a knife. Bendy walked up and hugged you.

"It's gonna be alright sis.....we'll get out of here.......somehow" he said while wrapping your side in fresh bandages.

The three of you got up and pushed onward. Time waits for no one and neither do the beasts that live here.

But we're anti-gravity lock down humanity
Lightnin' insanity strikin' inside of me
Whaoh Whaoh, It's the heartbeat of history
Whaoh Whaoh, like lightnin' inside of me

There were only three more levels to traverse before you could feel the sunlight's embrace. If the angel wasn't lying, the level of danger has only worsened. You know what's ahead, and you feared it more with every step you took.

It was Joey's first creation. Born from the hellish depths of the ink machine, bringer of death and disease, the ink demon.

It was the failed birthing of Bendy, that this foul beast was born. It's inky black heart, beats through these very walls. He hears every footstep, every breath, every rustle of paper. 

He can smell fear. He craves it, feasts on it, and right now you all were a delicious meal. You were delivering yourselves to his doorstep.

It's not over, it's not the end
It's not over, it's not the end
We broke out, now we're breakin' in
You had just breached the the doorway of the first floor. There was no turning back now. The black webbing flooded the room. He was near and closing in. You walked forward despite the protest of your companions.

It's not over, it's not the end
It's not over, it's not the end
We broke out, now we're breakin' in
Through the large metal vault doors, down the hall with it's flickering lights. You entered the throne room. An old wheelchair laid toppled to the side. The initials J.D. were embroidered into the back of the seat.

You looked up as the dark abomination took it's seat before you. He grinned widely and chuckled darkly as you swallowed your fear.

"Welcome my dear! Have you enjoyed the show so far~?" he purred.

But we're anti-gravity lock down humanity
Lightnin' insanity strikin' inside of me
Whaoh Whaoh, It's the heartbeat of history
Whaoh Whaoh, like lightnin' inside of me

You knelt down grabbing the film reel, dusting it off.

"Jojo, this game has gone on long enough. Can we please go home? I'm tired, and I know you are too" you said holding up the reel.

He stood, the ink peeled back to reveal the man within the monster. Joey was old, older than he was when he started this epidemic, unnaturally old for a man born just five years before yourself.

He gazed down at you. Your frame worn and broken down. black and blue was your skin and your endurance worn thin. He took pity on you. You're his only sister, the only person he truly cared for.

"I suppose this has gone on long enough and I've had more than my fill of fun. Come along now, it's time we go" he said holding his hand out.

You took his hand as he inserted the reel and everything rewound.

You woke up the next morning. The year was 1932, the day he installed the machine. You ran out to see him.

"(Y/n), where are you going so early this morning?" your father called.

"The studio to see Joey"

"Okay have fun! By the way, a young man named Henry sent a letter to you this morning" he added.

"Henry?" the name wasn't familiar to you.

You opened the letter and were horrified.


(Y/n), how could you turn your back on us?

We trusted you and you left us here to die!




You ran to the studio only to find it turned into a slaughter house.

Joey stood in the center, covered in blood, holding an axe.

"Sorry sister......I GOT BORED!"

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