I'm a mess

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Quest! Bendy x reader

Everything's been so messed up here lately
Pretty sure he don't wanna be my baby
You sat in the small bar of a long abandoned town. The inkness had spread itself like crazy and all the residents either died or ran to get away from it. You warned Bendy that this would happen once he left. You told him that if he cared about you, he wouldn't leave this studio you both called home for so long.

But you guess that your feelings for him weren't mutual. He left and now you're left to rot here alone.

Oh, he don't love me, he don't love me

He don't love me, he don't love me
But that's okay
He didn't love you. He never loved you. Everything was always about him and Boris. No one else mattered. But you're done crying over spilled milk. Done wallowing in self pity. If you wanted to survive, you were on your own.

'Cause I love me, yeah, I love me

Yeah, I love me
Yeah, I love myself anyway

This wasn't a fairytale. Prince charming ran away. The castle was burnt to ashes. The knights fled the village. Now the princess is standing with a sword in hand, ready to slay the dragon that no one else will face.

Everything's gonna be alright

Everything's gonna be okay
It's gonna be a good, good, life
That's what my therapist say
You packed your personal belongings and tossed them into your car. You then dumped every barrel of ink you found on to the ground. Soon the studio was doused in it's toxic byproduct. A lighter flicked to life and tossed into the forgotten abyss. Setting those dead memories ablaze and erasing the past from it's landmark.

Everything's gonna be alright

Everything's gonna be just fine
It's gonna be a good, good life

You smiled warmly as you drove away. It was time to leave this ghost behind. It's what 'he' would've wanted.

I'm a mess, I'm a loser

I'm a hater, I'm a user
I'm a mess for your love, it ain't new
Meanwhile, Bendy watched on the news that his home had burned to the ground. Tears poured from his amber eyes. There were bodies discovered all over the town, but none were identifiable. He regrets not listening, regrets not telling you why he left, regrets never going back or calling. He regrets everything and now he'll never get the chance to apologize or tell you how he loved you.

He loved you so much that he left to keep you safe when he contracted the illness.

I'm obsessed, I'm embarrassed

I don't trust no one around us
I'm a mess for your love, it ain't new

Bendy became obsessed with trying to contact you. Were you alive or was your body among the others in the ruins?

He had to know. He would never forgive himself if the last memory was of the fight before he walked out.

Nobody shows up unless I'm paying

Have a drink on me cheers to the failing
You drove until you ran out of gas. Fortunately you landed in front of another bar. You sat down at the counter. Looking up, you saw your final masterpiece being showcased on the news like some great tragedy.

Someone's pathetic whimpering came from a couple stools away from you. A cup-headed guy and a wolf comforted him. You scoffed and smirked as you made a bitter comment.

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