patchwork staccato

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Cause every little piece I weave of me and you togetherDon’t you see we can’t go on foreverSo I caught the tie and finally severInto little bits, a rainbow raining downYou And Mug were both afflicted by the hanahaki disease

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Cause every little piece I weave of me and you together
Don’t you see we can’t go on forever
So I caught the tie and finally sever
Into little bits, a rainbow raining down
You And Mug were both afflicted by the hanahaki disease. Mug was determined in thinking that living you would cure him as the same would happen vice versa.

His heart was broken by Cala Maria. Your heart was broken by him. You tried to love him and he left you for a two faced siren/gorgan hybrid. And this fool had the nerve to come crawling back to you crying worthless 'I'm sorry's' .

You felt nothing for him anymore. He was the reason that you're dying. All you wanted was for him to just disappear and never return to your life again.

So you see the way we used to be
Is gone, the words and words would pile on and on
And break the frayed end pieces of a time
That we tried, it’s funny and it’s sad I guess

"Mug, if you think that this half baked love, is going to save us both. You're even dumber than I thought. What you did to me, cannot be cured...not anymore"

"I'm sorry! Please, how many times do I have to say it?! I fucked up badly, I know I did. But you shouldn't give up on us!"

" Us? US!? There is no 'us' there never was! Do you realize how many times I have to get blood transfusions? EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY, MUG! " you screamed.

Mug sat in horror as blood and petals fell in large wet puddles to the ground.

Tick tock tick tock ring us, round us
Ding dong ding dong why not play a game?
Tick tock tick tock ring me, leave me
You stood back up and walked back inside your house and locked the door. You grabbed your keys. You were late for your appointment.

Ding dong ding dong well see ya round
Fraying away, hear it trying to say
Mug followed you to make sure that you would make it there alright. You were aggravated. Why couldn't that idiot see that he did more than just fuck up? He literally killed you. He needed to find someone else to fix him, because you can't. He threw you away when you needed him most and now that the tables have turned, he wouldn't let you go.

Couldn’t you please oh please be gone out of my life
But every day continues on the same as if you
Won’t oh won’t be gone although I try
Too small to care but still not fair
You arrived just in time to have the transfusion completed. You say there in the chair for three hours, getting almost a gallon of blood pumped back into your body.

Mug, much to your dismay, walked in and say in a chair beside you. You could see how conflicted he felt.

"Listen, (y/n), I'm sorry. I know those words don't fix it justify the wrongs I did you. But, it's the only thing I can manage to say without falling apart at the seams"

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