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Boris x reader

"For so long I have been sad and alone

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"For so long I have been sad and alone

Here in my tower of crystal and stone

You sat in your special fortress, formed by your magic.

Fear drove you into hiding on Mount Bulk.

No one understood you at home, no one tried.

Spring's warm song will comfort me till you're here

Letters of hope give me one final smile

It was springtime on the mountain as you waited for you best friend Boris to arrive.

You sent letters to each other via carrier pigeon.

Each hand-written note filled you with enough happiness to last another night on the vast empty mountain.

And my dreams take flight, my treasure's right in my sight

I can will anything, Memories will sing to me

From your tall tower, you could hear the wolf's chipper voice softly echo in the air.

Giddily, you inwardly squealed at the fact that he was here.

I'm no longer alone

I'm a queen on my throne

You sat in your makeshift throne, a crown resting upon your head.

Boris knocked on the door.

It swung open, your voice beckoning him inside.

Dreams always whirling

Never-ending stories

And they keep me going

....Here in my castle of crystal and stone

The two of you spent hours catching up on lost time.

Story after story about all his adventures, giving you hope to someday return home.

But your memories of rejection rung too fresh and painful in your mind as you gazed up at the crystal chandelier.

Cruel dreams of despair may tear at my pride

"Why don't you just go home, it's too dangerous for a little girl like you to be here" Bendy huffed.

"Why, so they can just ostracize me again? No, this is my home now" you scoffed bitterly.

"What about your family?" Boris asked, his ears pressed to his head.

"What family?...........They......they disowned me" you sniffled, burying your face into your knees.

But, courage and wisdom flashes in my mind

"Come with us" Boris said boldly, his ears perked.


"Please, I can keep you safe. Just come with us" he pleaded.

You looked to Bendy for approval.

He nodded, smirking with a thumbs up.

You looked back to Boris, grabbing his outstretched hand.

"Alright, I'll come with you"

Happily he lead you outside. 

My new light makes darkness cower and cry
Weakness may chain my wings down for the night

You happily traveled alongside Boris.

But when night rolled around, you wanted nothing more than to return to your crystalline home.

You absolutely despised the dark, especially ever since your father......

What he did to you made you sick just thinking about it.

What was worse was that your mother just sat back and watched.

Boris noticed how uneasy you were getting.

"Are you okay (Y/nn)?"

"No, I want to go inside where it's bright"

"Oh, it's that again" he said understanding.

But, I will become free and bravery's all I need

I can win anything, and remove the sting in me

Boris pulled you to his chest, kissing your forehead.

"I know why you don't like the dark, but know that as long as I'm here no one will ever touch you like that ever again"

You buried your face into the warmth of his chest, hugging him.

Bendy pulled out the sleeping bags, there were only two.

Boris blushed as he made room for you.

You were pressed snugly against him.

I've become brave at last

Not afraid of the past

You looked at Boris with a smile on your face.

The stars sparkled in his hazel eyes.

You closed your eyes and kissed him.

Instantly, you felt him kiss back.

His arms wrapped around you, whatever small speck of space there was, doesn't exist anymore.

Dreams are apart of me

Pain tries to capture me

But, I know I'll surely be free...

....Free of my castle of crystal and stone"

"I never thought the night could be so peaceful, so beautiful" you said nuzzling into his side.

"It's beautiful, but not as beautiful as you"

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