The Dark Moon Part 3

Start from the beginning

"What's this?"

"I don't know. I'm hoping it's not important."

"Anything?" I asked Malia when I walked up to her.

She shrugged, shaking her head. "It's too hard to see. We should've brought another flashlight."

"We don't need another flashlight," I told her. She gave me a confused look. "You're looking with your human eyes. Try it with your coyote eyes." She stared at me like I was crazy, and I gestured to the darkness around us.

Unfolding her arms with a determined sigh, she stared into the night. After a minute, her eyes started to glow a bright blue. It wasn't like Derek's blue, it was lighter. Her eyes flicked through the hills and boulders as mine did.

A movement of something ducking behind a boulder caught our sights, and we looked at each other to see if we both saw it. Malia growled and ran at it without waiting for me.

"Stiles, don't move!" I demanded as I ran after her. He called my name but I ignored him, going after the bad guy with Malia. I was pretty sure he tried to run after me, but Lydia made him continue fixing the jeep. I heard him growl at her (very animal-like, surprisingly) and Kira's feet padded as she chased us.

The thing that was behind the boulder seemed to be made of bone on the outside, but it was too fast to really get a good look at it, and Malia and I attacked it. I took the top while she aimed for the bottom. We hoped to debilitate it, but it barely even moved. It threw us off of it, and Malia rolled to the ground.

As I leapt at it, something sharp and serrated slit through my side. I screamed in pain and fell to the ground, feeling the blood already gushing out. The thing was gone by the time I looked up, and Malia helped me up. I groaned as it sent pain radiating through my body.

Kira was calling our names, and we followed the sound. She nearly took our heads off when we startled her. Remind me not to run up on her when she's got her sword.

"What happened? What's out there?" Kira asked.

"I don't know. It's big and it's fast," Malia said.

I clutched my side, panting with pain. "And it cuts deep." I could feel myself slowly healing, and, not for the first time, I wished I could heal faster.

Up near the road, I heard the jeep start, and Malia helped me stumbled to it, Kira acting as our guide with a sword. Stiles saw me stumbling up, and despite Lydia's demands telling him to stay, he ran to me, worry draining from him.

"I'm okay. It's just a scratch," I panted.

"Just a scratch? Baby, that's not just a scratch! It's-."

"Already healing," I reminded him, showing him the wound. He winced at it, holding his hand out to cover it from his sight.

"Aw, that's disgusting," he muttered.

"Okay. Can we just get in the jeep please? I can heal on the way there." Stiles nodded and took me from Malia's arm, helping me back to the jeep. I got in after the girls, and Stiles closed my door before running across the jeep to get in on his side.

The radio wasn't on, so it made it awkwardly silent. The only thing I could hear was him breathing with fits of rage the longer he thought.

"Okay, what is it, Stiles?" I asked.

"You..." He pointed to me, finally letting out all the fear he'd held in before. "You please don't do that ever again."

"Do what?" I furrowed my brows, confused at what he was getting at. It wasn't the first time I'd been in a fight before.

"Run off like that! I was-. You could've gotten seriously hurt!"

"It looks like she did," Malia pointed out helpfully. Stiles gestured to her like it proved he was right.

"It's fine," I grumbled, though I was confused myself on why it was taking so long to heal. Normally, it would've sealed up by now.

"Are you sure?" Lydia asked. "That doesn't look so good."

I pulled my shirt back to look down at it and sighed. "Yeah. But I can feel it healing. I'll be fine." Stiles shook his head at me and I reached over to take one of his hands from the steering wheel that he was gripping with white knuckles. "Seriously. It's okay." He gave me a tight-lipped smile, but squeezed my hand, letting me know he was mad, but he still loved me.

"You didn't see anything?" Lydia asked.

"Barely," I replied.

"It had a strong scent, though," Malia added.

"Like what?" Stiles asked.

"Like death," I told him. The scent had been strong enough for me to smell from the jeep, which was an accomplishment on my part.

A scream of surprise escaped my mouth as I flinched, the sound of Scott's roar ripping through my ears. Stiles jerked the wheel, causing the girls behind me to scream. I didn't even register that or the look Stiles gave me as I stared out the front windshield, my eyes wide and my hand steadying myself on the dash. It seemed like nobody else had heard it.

"What? What is it?" Stiles asked.

"Stiles. Drive faster," I said.

"But I just got the jeep working-."


Stiles' eyes flicked to my serious expression and he nodded, stepping on the gas. The car lurched forward as it picked up speed.

10 minutes later, we were navigating our way through old, run down, half-built buildings. All of them were small compared to the large church in the center. Stiles jerked to a stop in front of it, and I jumped out quickly. It looked like the other buildings, except it had been fully built at one point.

Scott and Braeden dragged out a barely conscious boy around our age, and I ran up to help, Stiles close behind. We both stopped in front of them. I had thought the boy looked familiar, but now up close, I knew it was true. I'd seen pictures of him before, but he was supposed to be in his late 20's now.

"Is that him? Is that Derek?" Malia asked.

"Uh... Sort of," Stiles sighed. Derek raised his head, looking up at me with confusion. He looked so lost and scared.

"It's Derek, alright," I said. "10 years ago."

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