The Tell Part 1

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I walked into the video store. In the background were the sounds of a horror movie playing. There was a guy on a ladder trying to fix a blinking light. I told him hello, and started to browse for movies. Horror, Sci-Fi, Drama, Comedy. What was I in the mood for? I decided tonight was a Rom-Com night, so I started browsing through the section.

The bell on the door tinkled behind me, but I didn't look to see who it was. The phone rang, and I thought I heard somebody go 'uff' but it could've been a trick of the ear.

"Y/N?" I recognized the voice behind me, and I froze then turned, planting a smile on my face. Jackson was smirking at me, wearing a worn black leather jacket. "Funny seeing you here."

"What, are you stalking me now? I'm pretty sure that's a crime," I joked, trying to seem at ease, even though ease was definitely not what I was feeling at the moment.

Jackson chuckled charmingly. "No, I'm looking for The Notebook."

I squinted my eyes at him. "Funny. You didn't strike me as the type."

"I'm not. But Lydia is, and she refuses to watch anything else." He rolled his eyes, but I couldn't blame him. I could see how that would get annoying. Although, it was no reason to treat her like he did. He stepped closer, trapping me against the shelf. "What are you here for?"

"Um. J-just browsing," I said, shrugging. He smiled slyly when I tripped over my words.

"That's it?" He asked, his lips getting dangerously close to mine. I licked my lips and nodded.

"Th-that's it," I replied. He nodded, his lips mere inches from mine.

"You know, about before in the bathroom. I'm sorry if I pushed you too far. It's just that you... You're something. I don't know why you hang out with those losers." And just like that, my urge to close the distance between the two of us vanished.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Those 'losers' are my best friends. And they're much better company than you." I pushed him away and started to walk, but he grabbed my wrist.

"Alright, I hit a nerve. I'm sorry. But you're too pretty to be-."

"Shh!" I said, cocking my head. Was that growling I had heard? I walked past him into the center aisle.

"What are you do-?"

"Shush!!" I repeated louder. He scoffed behind me, probably rolling his eyes. I walked down the aisle slowly, looking down each row. I stopped, noticing feet poking out the end of one row. "Jackson, stay here."

He noticed the feet too and stopped me. "No way. I'm not letting you go alone. You could get hurt."

"I think I can handle myself." I smiled because the thought of not being able to protect myself from what would probably turn out to be human was an amusing thought.

Jackson jerked me around so I would face him. He looked at me with a seriousness I couldn't place. "Get behind me, Y/N. I don't want you to get hurt." I sighed, rolling my eyes but letting him take the lead. He probably needed it, considering if Lydia made him watch The Notebook all the time, he probably didn't feel like much of a man those times.

He grabbed my hand before I could shoot it out of his reach and gripped tightly, beginning to walk towards the body. On the back of his neck, I could see wounds in the shape of slits that were healing. There were two visible, one at the edge of the hair, the other on the back of the neck. If there were more I couldn't see them. I noticed these marks, but I didn't pay any mind to them. I couldn't lie, at the slow pace he was taking and the ominous flickering lights, my heart began to beat wildly. We stepped within sight of the body.

Series Rewrite (A Teen Wolf Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt