S3a Tattoo Part 1

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It was around noon when I finally woke up. Stiles was softly snoring underneath me, and I smiled, looking up at him. These past four months have been so normal and fun, and Stiles and I easily slipped into our relationship. Scott says it was because we were practically dating already, just without all the kissing.

Scott and Allison were still split up, but he was taking it pretty well, and despite his relationship ending, he had been nothing but supportive to ours. Sheriff had already taken me in with open arms, as did my parents for Stiles. It seemed like they all expected this to happen sooner or later. I think my dad had hoped it would just be a little later than now.

Funny enough, Mom sat down with me a few weeks ago to talk about sex. It was awkward, especially considering I wasn't the virgin she thought I was. I didn't exactly regret having sex with Isaac, but I wished it had been Stiles. Not that we've had sex yet. It's mostly just heavy making out and touching. The truth is I'm too nervous. He still doesn't know I'm not a virgin, so that's a conversation waiting to happen that I'm trying to avoid. He'll surely flip when he finds out it was with Isaac.

Life was easy lately. All of our parents knew about the supernatural–except Sheriff–and what was going on in our lives, so we lied exponentially less to them, which made us all closer to our family. We were all connected, but whether it was by Scott or the supernatural, I couldn't say. I just knew my family was extended now.

I sat up, straddling Stiles to wake him up. His hair had grown out and was now long enough to pull on. He had also grown in height, which I loved. I came up to his eyebrows now, so I had to tilt my head back to look at him. He was also a bit more muscular, not so scrawny. I suspected that was from all the lacrosse practice he was doing. He really didn't want to suck this year.

Stiles' eyes opened one at a time and he smiled, stretching a little before placing his hands on my hips.

"Good morning," he said, his voice deeper and gravely.

"Good afternoon," I replied, staring down at him.

His eyes widened. "After-?" He checked the clock and groaned while laughing. "We slept till 12."

"You needed it. See those circles? Those dark ones, right under your eyes?" I joked, pointing and squinting at the nonexistent bags under his eyes.

"That's because I got a girlfriend that keeps me up all night," Stiles replied, playfully rolling his eyes.

My face went serious as I frowned at him. "You should tell her you're human, and humans need sleep."

Stiles chuckled and rolled us over so he was leaning above me. He swiped some hair behind my ear as his eyes scanned my face. "You know you purr in your sleep?"

"What?" I laughed, squinting at him.

"Yeah. I felt it for the first time last night. You were laying on me and I was playing with your hair, and you just started purring," he said. I blushed and covered my face with my hands.

"Oh, my god. That's so embarrassing."

Stiles laughed, prying my hands from my face. "No, it was cute. It actually helped me sleep." Stiles stared at me for a second before kissing the tip of my nose. "Come on, get dressed. Today is the day you finally turn into a cat."

Stiles jumped out of bed, picking out some clothes while I groaned at the idea of more practice.

"You say that every day, and every day I don't turn into a cat," I grumbled.

"Yeah, but today's the day." Stiles took off his shirt, which always seemed to catch me off guard. The patch of dark hair under his bellybutton is mainly what always got my attention, but he was starting to get another patch of dark hair in the center of his chest between his pecs. It wasn't much, just a light patch, but it'd become darker and thicker as he got older and I couldn't wait to see it.

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