Wolf Moon Part 4

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After I'd been home for about an hour, my phone rang, telling me I had a message. It was from Stiles.

I know.

My mouth went dry and I swallowed thickly. Play it cool, Y/N.

What is it you think you know?

This all seemed too Twilight-turned-horror, so I added a 'haha' at the end then awaited my fate. My palms got clammy with nerves and I paced the floor. My phone dinged.

Just come over. I'll explain.

Ahh, crap, crap, crap. Why was he being so evasive? And why was I this nervous about it?

Right now? I'm a little busy, Stiles. Studying. Which you should be doing, too.

Now, Y/N.

I stared at his message, feeling a lump form in my throat. It felt odd. A normal girl would be scared that he knew I liked him. But I wasn't a normal girl, and I was actually hoping that was what he knew. My phone dinged again.


I sighed and changed from my sweats into a grey sweater dress that looked like an oversized hoodie, but more flattering. I whipped my hair into a bun and grabbed my phone.


On the way out the door, I yelled, "Going to Stiles' house! Be back for dinner!" I walked slowly down the streets, prolonging the time so I could come up with an excuse to whatever he would throw at me.

If he said, "You're a werewolf." I'd deny it, and have no problem doing so, because technically, I wasn't. I took gymnastics as a kid, so I could blame my balance and tumbling skills on that. I could tell him I read lips well. I could tell him I have sensitive nose hairs or something. Maybe there was a medical condition that I could chalk up my hypersensitive senses to. Hopefully.

If he said, "You have a crush on me." I'd,  first of all, be extremely thankful for my luck, and two, be completely mortified and probably run out of the house. Unless, of course, he said he liked me back, then I'd be ecstatic. But that would never happen.

If he said, "You're invited to Lydia's party and I want to go." I'd give him exactly that. No questions asked, I would take him to that party like my life depended on it.

Way too soon, I was standing at the Stilinski front door, my fist in mid-air prepared to knock. I stared at the door, willing myself to move my arm and knock. It was such a simple thing, yet I couldn't make myself do it.

"Called you here, too, huh?" Scott's voice said behind me. I practically exhaled every organ in body with relief. If Scott was here, too, then it probably wasn't about me. He knocked on the door as I lowered my hand.


Sheriff Stilinski opened the door and smiled, telling us to go on up to Stiles' room. We climbed the stairs and stopped in front of Stiles' closed door at the end of the hall. Scott knocked loudly on the door, and I could hear Stiles' heart kick up in panic. Either he feared us, or Scott just jump-scared him. Hopefully it was the second. I didn't think I could take Stiles being scared of me.

Stiles opened his door, then noticing it was us, sighed and said, "Get in." He was being rather serious and looking at us with secretive eyes. He closed the door behind you. There were papers upon papers scattered on his floor.

"What the hell?" I muttered.

"You guys gotta see this thing. I've been up all night reading—Websites, books. All this information," Stiles said, his arms flying everywhere as he tried to gather the physical representation of his brain from the floor of his bedroom.

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